Nearly 5 million migrant arrests during the Biden government: ColeF – El Sol de México

At the recent meeting of Heads of State in Washingtonwithin the framework of the Alliance for Economic Prosperity in the Americasthe five intersectoral priorities that will serve as a focus point “are not articulated with a policy to address the current mobility crisis “humanity that adds up to nearly 5 million arrests from January 2021 to October 2023.”

This is the arrests by the border authorities of the USA in the current administration of president bidensaid the doctor José María Ramos Garcíaresearch professor of The College of the Northern Border (ColeF).

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He considered that this reflects “that the irregular immigrationdespite the criticism of former president trump to the border security crisiswhich is a central theme of the political agenda and American election”.

He recalled that in Freedom Summit forumin Florida, donald trump accused the president Biden to convert USA in a “Banana Republic”. And he assured that if he returned to the White Houseyour main task will be to stop the “invasion on the southern border of migrants”.

In his analysis of this continental meeting in which only the presidents of Mexico were missing, Lopez Obrador and from Brazil, Inazio Lula, considered that the agenda agreed upon in the Alliance for Economic Prosperity in the Americas:

“It could have been articulated with the agreements of the Migration Pact signed in June 2022 in the Summit of the Americas. And in this way, address the causes that generate the emigration irregular through the articulation of the Alliance agreements with local-regional development policies based on the remittances international”.

“And join the immigration regularization policies that the current government of President Biden promotes.”

He recalled that one of the main strategies of the alliance is the creation of a regional accelerator for entrepreneurs and programs that promote workforce development, particularly in the digital economy.

The aim is to give attention to the formalization, financing and incentives for the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).

For the Mexican border communities It is an opportunity to promote new employment alternatives for vulnerable groups within the framework of the T-MEChe assured.


Likewise, he said, the aim is to promote projects and initiatives that help improve health care. health, drinking water, clean energy and food and nutrition securityl. As well as supporting the agriculture climate smart.

Also protection against climate change through the judicious application of adaptation and mitigation practices. “Climate change generates significant challenges in various regions of the world, leading to an increase in irregular emigrationin search of safer and more sustainable living conditions.

He stated that “the international remittances from migrants play a crucial role in the livelihood of many communities affected by the climate change”.

According to the US Department of Statethese projects are strategic and could reduce the emigration irregular through a comprehensive policy of the international remittances.

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The articulation of the remittances with creative ventures also creates local economic opportunities by diversifying sources of income and promoting economic self-management in sending countries. migrants.

and support for the creation of local cooperativesthe development of sustainable tourism projects and the promotion of local crafts and art are examples of how these initiatives can contribute to the economic stability of communities affected by the climate change.

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