Neighbors of Molino del Rey and Lomas, without water since last December – El Sol de México

Due to the lack of water for a monthneighbors of the Molino del Rey neighborhoodin the Miguel Hidalgo mayor’s office, they blocked this Tuesday the vehicular circulation through second day in a row to demand from the capital authorities regularize the supply.

After 9:00 a.m. They blocked Alicama Street with ropes and tape, from Pedregal to Fernando Alencastreand they put up signs with legends like:

“We are tired of not having water since December. Sacmex does not give us a solution and we have had weeks without water.”

Rosalina Albarrán Medina, a resident of the Molino del Rey neighborhood, told El Sol de México that since December 23 they have not had water and although they reported the shortage to Mexico City Water System (Sacmex) Yet the Miguel Hidalgo mayor’s officethey did not regularize the service.

“We don’t have water to wash or drink. On Monday (after the first blockade) Sacmex promised to distribute water with pipes, but it was only for a while. The most affected we are the ones from King’s Millbut it is also in the colonies Lomas de Chapultepec, Tacubaya, Escandón, Polanco, Anzures and Antigua Argentina. “We are very affected by the water shortage,” said Albarrán.

He Mayor of Miguel Hidalgo, Mauricio Tabearrived at the place around 11:00 a.m. and pointed out that the Polanco and Lomas neighborhoods are also affected by the supply of liquid, and demanded that the City Government notify about the water cutoff to make provisions.

Andrea Vázquez, a resident of Molino del Rey, commented that officials from the Water System indicated that The problem is in the calibration of the valves that regulate the distribution of the liquid, since the colony that is on one sideLomas de Virreyes, does have water.

The Valves regulate the pressure of the water supply in the pipes of the neighborhoods of each mayor’s office. The pressure must be well calibrated, because if there is greater power it can damage the water infrastructure.

Although these Miguel Hidalgo colonies are close to each other, each one is supplied by a different source. According to Sacmex data, Molino del Rey does not depend on the Cutzamala System, but yes from the city wells.

Water from the Cutzamala falls on Lomas de Chapultepec and Lomas Virreyes, while Lomas de Sotelo, Polanco and Argentina Antigua receive it from the system and from the wells.

“They told us that it was a valve problem, that they were going to come and fix it, but we stayed the same. “What we ask is that we be assured of water supply.”said Andrea Vázquez.

Seven hours later, the neighbors ended the blockade after agreeing with the Water System on the valve maintenance and calibration.

The protesters reported that It is the first time that weeks have passed without watersince in previous years they had never registered the problem.

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