Operation against the CJNG unleashes violence in Michoacán – El Sol de México

MORELIA. A member of the National Guard died and another injured, as well as five municipal police injured and locks is the balance that was thrown the day of violence that spread through six Michoacan municipalities, including the capital, Moreliaafter the arrest of an alleged boss linked to the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG).

The arrest of the alleged criminal leader occurred on Tuesday and clashes They began on Wednesday afternoon and lasted until yesterday. At least two shootings, five road blockades and the burning of eight vehicles were recorded in Zamora, Ixtlan, Tanhuato, Gabriel Zamora, Quiroga and Morelia.

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On the free road that goes from Uruapan to Lombardyin the vicinity of the town of Charapendobelonging to the municipality of Gabriel Zamoraarmed civilians attacked municipal police on Wednesday afternoon, leaving a balance of five uniformed officers injured.

authorities of Michoacan they announced that Armed civilians opened fire on police personnel who repelled the aggression and requested reinforcements, so elements of the security forces were mobilized to the area. Civil Guardof the Mexican Army and of the National Guard.

Later, in the region of Zamora, criminals seized two cargo vehicles and a bus, units that were set on fire in two different points without beingand fatalities will be recorded. Three other units were set on fire by unknown persons on the Zamora-Quiroga highway and on the Western highway.

Already on Wednesday night, in the vicinity of the Capula estate, in the municipality of Morelia and 20 kilometers from the capital, Armed subjects shot at a cargo truck that ended up crossed on the road.

The clashes were recorded in Ixtlánin the vicinity of the community of Los Limones, and in Numarán where one member of the National Guard died, while another was seriously injured, as well as two civilians, including a man and a woman.

Yesterday, armed civilians set fire to two trucks in the western highwayat the height of the kilometer 280 of the road section Panindícuaro-Cuitzeo.

Through social networks, users reported about the road closure and after 1:00 p.m. the fire in the motor units was controlled by firefighters, while the police officers The Civil Guard was in charge of clearing the vehicular passage.

The Department of Public Security (SSP) reported that elements of the Army Mexicanthe Guard National and the Guard Civil to guarantee free transit and safety of the inhabitants of Michoacán.

At the time of publication, the authorities they had not made known the identity of the criminal objective for which the operation was implemented who unleashed the violence, they only reiterated that he was a ringleader linked to the CJNG.

For months now, Members of organized criminal groups use road blocks and the burning of vehicles when some of its members are detained.

On October 8th, armed men blocked communication routes and they burned vehicles in the regions of Apatzingán and Buenavista, in the Tierra Caliente area, after an operation to capture a target linked to Los Viagra.

Likewise, the arrest of César Alejandro N, son of César Sepúlveda Arellano, alias Botoxalleged leader of the criminal group Los Blancos de Troya registered on October 15, also generated blockades.

The 21-year-old young man was arrested when he was driving in a car in the town of Cenobio Morenobelonging to the municipality of Apatzingan.

César Alejandro N He was detained along with another young man from whom a firearm and useful cartridges were seized, after which armed men set up roadblocks. Apatzingán-Aguililla.

On October 9, the arrest of a cell of Colombians dedicated to the manufacture of explosive dronesalso generated shootings, blockades and burning of vehicles and tires in different parts of the Tierra Caliente region of Michoacán.

Colombians, who were considered priority objectives and do not have documentation proving their legal stay in the countrywere in charge of manufacturing bombs for drones for the criminal group The Viagras.

At points like Northern Division, San Juan de los Plátanos, Pinzandaro and Santa Ana Amatlán A cargo truck and tires were set on fire in order to prevent the passage of the security forces after the arrest of the Colombians.

At the time of their arrest Four improvised explosive devices were seizeda .38 Super caliber pistol, 16 magazines and 1,040 useful cartridges of different calibers for long firearms.

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Regarding the kidnapping and burning of units, as well as road blockades, the state governor has been questioned, Alfredo Ramirez Bedollain his Monday press conferences, actions that he described as sterile and useless and warned that actions and operations against organized crime will continue.

To deal with the presence of criminal groups, authorities keep active inter-institutional groups made up of personnel from the Mexican Army, the National Guard and the State Civil Guard.

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