Pirola variant of Covid-19: what are its symptoms and how contagious is it – El Sol de México

A report from the Official Covid-19 Registry of the General Directorate of Epidemiology confirmed the first case of the Pirola variant in Mexico City.

The JN-1 variant comes from the BA.2.86 lineage of SARS-CoV-2 and its name “Pirola” comes from an asteroid discovered in 1927, in a German observatory and this in turn received this name from the family of natural herbaceous plants. from the temperate and arctic regions of the northern hemisphere, the Pyrola.

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This new strain has more than 30 modifications in the amino acids of its protein and is already circulating in several countries worldwide such as Denmark, Israel, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Thailand, South Africa, the United States, Ecuador, Brazil, Peru and Chile.

What are the symptoms of the Pirola variant?

The World Health Organization (WHO) considers Pirola a ‘follow-up’ variant since it is believed that cases in the world will increase during the winter season and considers the following symptoms to be its main ones:

  • Warranty pain
  • Nasal congestion
  • sneezing
  • Loss of smell

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Hoarseness and hoarseness
  • Headache
  • Cut body/muscle pain

How contagious is Pirola?

The Pirola variant can be transmitted by air or intestinal route, however, they do not have a greater risk of worsening the disease in the population as was seen at the time with the spread of the coronavirus, according to the WHO.

For his part, Dr. Alejandro Macías explains that although it is not a dangerous strain, it is a variant that is transmitted much more easily, making it highly contagious.

“It is a variant that is transmitted much more easily. It is a subvariant of omicron. And it will surely increase cases towards the coldest seasons in co-circulation with the influenza virus,” said the renowned infectious disease specialist.

Likewise, he explained that the recent vaccines against Covid protect well against this strain and asked the population not to be alarmed, but to be vigilant to prevent infection.

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“From what we know about this new variant in the US, it does not cause more serious cases, it does cause infections much more easily, but it does cause the usual cases and the new vaccines protect well against severity. Let’s not fall into alarm but let’s be alert to prevent this infection,” he concluded.

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