President of COP28 defends fossil fuels – El Sol de México

DUBAI. The president of the UN conference about him Climate Change of 2023the COP28, Sultan al Jaber, I affirm that There are no scientific studies that show that it is necessary to end the use of fossil fuels to limit global warming, and argued that, if we did so, we would return “to the caves”, a speech that was criticized by various organizations.

“Please help me. Show me a timetable to end fossil fuels that allows us sustainable socioeconomic growth, Unless you want the world to go back to the caves“said Al Yaber during an event held on November 21 in which argued with the president of the group of ‘The Elders’, Mary Robinsona organization that brings together experts on climate change.

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Al Jaber is he president executive of the United Arab Emirates oil company, Adnocfor which it has been criticized for conflict of interest.

Robinson warned during the event that “the crisis harms women and children the most” and defended the need for a commitment to phasing out fossil fuels. “It is a decision that can be made by COP28 and you, as president of Adnoc, could take it with more credibility,” he said, as published yesterday in the British newspaper The Guardian.

Al Yaber responded that he was not willing to enter into an “alarmist debate.”

“There is no science, there is no scenario that says that phasing out fossil fuels is going to achieve 1.5 degrees Celsius,” he argued.

Robinson responded that Adnoc “is investing in more fossil fuels for the future”, to which Al Jaber He argued that “you only read your own biased and wrong media.”

Various organizations criticized the “old speech” that “borders on climate denialism.”

The statements are released when fifty companies, responsible for more than 40 percent of global oil production, adhered to the Oil and Gas Decarbonization Charteran initiative promoted by the presidency of the COP28, United Arab Emiratesand Arabia Saudi.

The signatory companies – more than half (60 percent), national companies of Petroleum– they thus undertook to carry out “carbon neutral operations” for him 2050to put end to routine gas flaring on torch in 2030 already reduce methane emissions to almost zero.

Among the signatories is the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (Adnoc)the national oil company Abu Dhabi in front of which is Al Jaber; as well as Aramco and also include large European companies such as Repsolthe Norwegian public Equinor and the french Totalenergies.

However, the secretary general of the UN, Antonio Guterres stated that these promises fall “very short” to address the climate crisis because it does not address the fundamental issue of consumption of fossil fuels.

The science is clear: the 1.5ºC limit is only possible if we stop burning all fossil fuels. It is not enough to reduce it, it is not enough to reduce it. “They must be eliminated gradually with a clear schedule.”

The close relationship of global warming with the healththe war and the peace entered this day in the COP28where the message of the lack of global preparation for the needs of the most vulnerable people due to conflicts and catastrophes linked to the climate change.

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About, The United Arab Emirates and several charities offered $777 million to finance the eradication of tropical diseases neglected areas that are expected to worsen with rising temperatures.

However, the horizon of Dubai was obscured yesterday by a polluting layer described as “unhealthy”, the same day that COP celebrated the day dedicated to health.

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