Presidential elections in Argentina: Milei and Massan reach the second round tied – El Sol de México

BUENOS AIRES. “Change” is one of the most repeated words in the election campaign that will conclude this day in Argentina with the second round of the cpresidential elections; Nobody wants the country to continue in an inertia that leads directly to hyperinflation or for its politicians to continue insulting each other.

Without a doubt, the opposition -in any of the formations that fought before the final instance on November 19- was the one that most defended the need to end the Government of Alberto Fernández (Peronism), which accumulates 142.7 percent year-on-year inflation, 40.1 percent poverty and an exchange gap greater than 200 percent.

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The most extreme speech, that of the leader of Freedom Advances (far right), Javier Mileiis the one that reached the runoff: “A different Argentina is impossible with the same people as always.”

Opposite, he will fight for the Presidency Union for the Homeland candidate (Peronism), Sergio Massamember of the current Executive and responsible for the most committed portfolio: Economy.

He also advocated for “change” and defended the need to create a “Government of national unity” and seek “consensus”: “On December 10, the crack dies.”


Some 35.8 million Argentines are called to vote today in a second round of the presidential election which is very close and in the middle of the celebration for the 40 years of uninterrupted democracy after the end of the last military dictatorship (1976-1983).

The outlook is so uncertain that there is no clear favorite. The surveys show a technical tie, since some give the official party as the favorite and others the opponent; in both cases, with little advantage.

It is no less true that few trust the polls, after, in the August primaries, no one predicted the victory of Milei and that, in the October general elections, no one gave Massa as the winner and they did announce Milei’s victory, some even in the first round.

The decision for a candidate responsible for the current economic portfolio -and its figures- or by another who threatens with plans that, according to most experts, are “unrealizable” and walks a chainsaw as a metaphor for what he would do with public spending will lead many citizens to vote in white.

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The projections indicate that it will increase compared to the two percent of the general elections held on October 22, in which, in addition, there was 22.3 percent abstention.

Therefore, one of the jobs of candidates in the campaign has been to try to convince those who did not go to vote and those who did, but in favor of the other candidates: among the center-right Patricia bullrich (Together for Change), the dissident Peronist Juan Schiaretti (We do for Our Country) and the leader of the Left Front Myriam Bregman added 8.8 million votes.

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