PRIAN formed a gelatinous front that is leaking: Mario Delgado – El Sol de México

He national president of Morena, Mario Delgadoin the start of Claudia Sheinbaum pre-campaignattacked the opposition and assured that the construction of the second floor of the Fourth TransformationMeanwhile he PRIAN have formed a gelatinous alliance that they are taking on water, while Citizen movement replicates the old practices.

During startup Boca del Río, Veracruzthe Morenista leader, assured that while the parties of the transformation They already configured the coalition winningest in history, in the PRIAN its members fight.

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“In it PRIAN they formed a gelatinous forehead what is being done to them waterbecause they are fighting among themselves over business that they have, because of the longing for corruption, because they want the privileges”, he stated.

Likewise, he criticized that in Citizen movement they replicate the vices of old politics by trying to deceive the people. “The oranges want to deceive the people because they bring the tricks of the old politicsthe main one: never keeping his word and always deceiving the people.”

On the contrary, Mario Delgado stated that the alliance “Let’s continue making history” (Morena-PT-PVEM) seek to do policy with honestyjust as it has been practiced Claudia Sheinbaum.

Furthermore, he called on the militancy to continue the organizational work towards 2024. “We are all going to organize ourselves so that the transformation continues in 2024, here in Veracruz and at a national level,” said Delgado.

The national leader asserted that these are times to make history and times of women transformative, since “we already have here in Veracruz to our State coordinator of the Defense Committees of the Fourth Transformation, Rocío Nahle”.

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“Today we commemorate, November 20, the beginning of the Mexican Revolution. But today it is doubly historical because we started the construction of the second floor of this great peaceful, legal and democratic revolution, which is the Fourth Transformationunder the leadership of our unique candidate: Claudia Sheinbaum”, he expressed.

In the afternoon, at 4:30 p.m., Mario Delgado will accompany the presidential candidate Claudia Sheinbaum on his visit to Medellín, Puente Moreno, Veracruz.

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