Prosecutor’s Office delivers Piñera’s autopsy to his family – El Sol de México

A multidisciplinary team of people, coordinated by the Prosecutor’s Office of the Los Ríos region, in the south of the country, continues the investigations into the precise causes of the death on Tuesday of the former president of Chile Sebastián Piñerawho died after the helicopter he was piloting crashed over Lake Ranco.

According to the prosecutor of the aforementioned region, Tatiana Esquivel, the results of the autopsy, which according to the Legal Medical Service (SML) lasted four hours, have already been delivered to the president’s family, and show that the president died due to of “asphyxiation by submersion.”

At the moment no more details will be offered, so it does not seem that the two main versions that are being considered can be clarified: a technical problem resulting from the bad weather conditions in the area, with strong wind and rain, or some physical problem for the president. , 74 years old, which would have caused him to lose control and not be able to remove his seat belt.

The prosecution pointed out, however, that the investigation is still ongoing and follows two other lines: the expert opinion of the device itself, which had to be removed from the lake, and the interrogation of the three survivors of the accident, the president’s sister Magdalena Piñera and the businessman and friend Ignacio Guerrero with his son, who managed to swim out.

Piñera was an expert pilot who liked to operate his own private aircraft, and even requested it when he was President of the Republic.

Once the autopsy was carried out at the SML of the Los Ríos Region, the coffin with the president’s body was sent to the airport in the neighboring town of Valdivia, about 1,000 kilometers south of Santiago de Chile, from where it will travel to the capital. .

He will be received by the authorities around 11:00 local time (15:00 GMT) at aerodrome 10 of the Chilean Air Force (FACH) and from there he will travel to the old headquarters of the Chilean Congress, in the heart of the center, where after An intimate ceremony with family and friends, the wake will be exposed for the last goodbye of the citizens.

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He will later be buried in the Parque del memoria cemetery after a state funeral, which is expected to be attended by leaders and former leaders from different countries.

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