Proust Questionnaire: Jorge Martí (The Red Room) – El Sol de México

Jorge is the vocalist, guitarist and co-founder of The Red Rooma group of Spanish indie pop-rockoriginally from Valencia, with 25 years of experience and considered one of the bands most representative of pop rock of their country, with great success in other countries, such as Mexico, where they have been traveling continuously for more than 15 years. This November 10th they play at the La Maraka Hall of Mexico City, where in addition to taking a tour of its musical career will present their New single“Start again without me.”

The main trait of your character?

I care about people. I’m an enthusiastic and resilient guy, and I guess melancholic.

What is your idea of ​​perfect happiness?

Cooking a paella for family and friends, eating all together and having a long after-dinner conversation that connects with dinner. And make it a holiday the next day, of course.

What trait do you dislike most about yourself?

Impatience. When I lose my nerve. I would like to be more ZEN and not stress so much. Sometimes I also talk too much and regret it. And I’m horrible at making decisions!

And the one you dislike the most of the others?

Falsehood and manipulation. Lack of empathy and selfishness.

Your great fear?

The death of loved ones.

What is your current mood?

Complicated. Too many worries about things that are out of my hands.

What is your greatest extravagance?
I couldn’t tell you… But I’m a shoe junkie. I have bought tons of boots, sneakers and shoes throughout my life.

What is the most overrated virtue?

The ambition. The stereotypical idea of ​​success that exists today.

The living person you admire the most?

My wife.

What living person inspires you the most contempt?

Any far-right fanatic. Milei, Bolsonaro, Trump…

What words or phrases do you use too often?
I think I say “I don’t know” a lot…I always have more doubts than certainties.

In what situations do you resort to lying?

I try not to do it. I’m not very good at lying, but I suppose a white lie is always necessary. The truth sometimes hurts.

What quality do you like most in a man?

The goodness,

And what do you like most in a woman?

Intelligence and sensitivity.

What or who is the great love of your life?

My wife, my daughters and music.

When and where were you happiest?

The night of March 2, 1996 in Molde, Norway, which is when I met my wife.

What talent would you like to have?
I would settle for improving the ones I have.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

The ups and downs of my moods. That I wouldn’t be so affected by other people’s pain (and my own).

What do you think is your greatest achievement?

May the person I admire most in the world still be with me after 27 years together and having had two girls with her. I guess this could apply to my band too.

Where you would like to live?

In Valencia maybe. I currently live in Molde (Norway). I would live the summers there if I could, but during them I have to be in Spain to play.

What is your most precious asset?

Having a home, with all that that means.

Which historical figure do you feel most identified with?

Jesus Christ. I admire people who give themselves for others.

Your favorite hobby?

Walking in the mountains, reading a good book… I never get bored. There is always something to do.

If you were to die and could be reincarnated into another being or thing, what would it be?

On an imposing mountain.

How would you like to die?

In peace.

Do you have a motto?

Try to be a good person.

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