Rainbow Bridge Why is the site where a car exploded recognized? – The Sun of Mexico

He Rainbow Bridge is located in the border between the United States and Canada. This place is recognized for being a checkpoint built on the famous Niagara Falls.

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It is located north of the falls, along Niagara Parkway. 1.5 kilometers from the Fallsview resort area.

This customs between both countries operates 24 hours a day and connects cities such as Niagara Falls (US), New York, (US) and Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.

When was the Rainbow Bridge built in Canada?

The portal specialized in tourism, ExpediaMxpoints out that the Rainbow Bridge It was built between 1940 and 1941.

This replaced the bridge “Fallsview Bridge”also known as “Honeymoon Bridge” or bridge “Honeymoon”.

He Honeymoon Bridge collapsed in 1938 after a strong storm which generated large blocks of ice that pressed the structure.

It is believed that the origin This name came from many travelers who enjoyed appreciating a rainbow that appeared from Niagara Falls on the Canadian side.

So the new construction of the Rainbow Bridge It was carried out on 15 meter pillars to prevent another one from happening again. disaster similar. It is 290 meters long and stands 62 meters above the Niagara River.

Explosion on Rainbow Bridge, they investigate alleged terrorism

This Wednesday, the burst of a vehicle in it rainbow bridgethere were two people who were in the car that had just passed border control and was selected to undergo a second control.

It was at that moment when the car sped upHE crashed against a barrier and finally exploded.

Although it is still not known what caused the accident and later the exploitation, both Canadian and American authorities are carrying out the research.

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Justin Trudeau, the Canadian Prime Minister, assured that it is a “very serious situation.” For his part, the Canadian Public Service Minister Dominic Leblanctold the press that his government was taking the situation “extremely seriously” and were in close contact with the US authorities.

Pierre Poilievre, the leader of the Canadian oppositionsaid that there were two deaths after the incident and also assured that it was a terrorist attackHowever, this has not been confirmed.

With information from EFE and AFP

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