Reform to eliminate autonomous bodies is a setback: IFT – El Sol de México

He Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT) considered that the reform sent by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to Disappearing autonomous bodies represents a “setback” to the detriment of users and audiences.

“It implies returning to a model that proved to have serious limitations to achieve, among other objectives, the entry of more competitors, greater legal certainty and ensuring a level playing field so that more Mexicans would have more telecommunications services at a lower price and with higher quality,” the regulator said.

In the package of 20 initiatives of reforms to the Constitution that the head of the federal Executive sent to Congress on Monday, there is one to extinguish the Constitutional Autonomous Bodies, It establishes that the powers of the IFT will pass to the Secretariat of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation (SICT).

About, The organization stressed that its constitutional autonomy, achieved with the 2013 telecommunications reform, was essential after several years of little competition and high prices in the market, which generated social damage of at least 129 billion dollars, according to data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

Likewise, he recalled that in 2010, prior to its autonomy, internet users represented 34 percent of the population in Mexico, and today they are more than double that.

He added that from June 2013 to December 2023, communications prices as a whole decreased 31.7 percent, while inflation was 62.2 percent in that period.

Likewise, he highlighted that his first 10 years achieved the elimination of national long distance, a process possible through the regulatory framework created by the IFT.

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In mobile services, he highlighted that in its first decade of work the mobile broadband market went from 27.4 to 120.4 million lines, which represents a four-fold growth.

“The results and evolution of telecommunications and broadcasting in the last decade show that constitutional autonomy has provided this regulatory body with the necessary institutional strength so that decisions are made exclusively with technical criteria and for the benefit of the population” , the IFT stressed in a positioning.

Given the upcoming discussion of the initiatives sent by the President López Obrador, The organization expressed its openness to participate in open parliaments or any consultation mechanism to emphasize the progress and results it has achieved as an autonomous constitutional body.

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