Ricardo Monreal says that judges’ decision on judicial reform violates the Constitution – El Sol de México

Federal Deputy Ricardo Monreal He retorted to the federal judge that ordered to suspend the discussion and voting of the judicial reform in the Chamber of Deputies. The coordinator of the Morena party in San Lázaro He warned that the judge’s decision violates the Constitution and invades the powers of the Legislative Branch.

“Any resolution by any judge or authority on the constitutional legal performance of the General Congress of the United Mexican States that violates the Constitution and the principle of legality and invades the powers and functions of the Legislature is inadmissible and inappropriate,” Monreal wrote in his X account.

On Saturday afternoon, the Fifth District Judge in Cuernavaca, Morelos, Martha Eugenia Magana Lopez, ordered to suspend the discussion and voting on judicial reform in the new legislature of the Chamber of Deputies.

Another federal judge from Chiapas issued another suspension against the judicial reforml, which established that, if approved by the Congress of the Union, it cannot be sent to the local Congresses for approval until the protection is resolved.

On behalf of the Morena parliamentary group, the coordinator emphasized:

“This legislative majority categorically and forcefully determines that it does not and will not submit to the jurisdiction of the court or courts that order it because They have no competence for itbecause the analysis and discussion and, where appropriate, approval of the opinion regarding the constitutional reform in judicial matters cannot be suspended.”

“Popular representation is precisely what orders us to review the coordination, and the only ones to whom we respond are our constituents, the people who appointed us at the polls to modify and add to the constitutional text.”

These suspensions were qualified by Ricardo Monreal as absurd, grotesque and ignorant; “There is no doubt that the desperation of some sectors that are trying to preserve their privileges also seeks to stop this historic reform for the benefit of the population,” he said.

He recalled that there are those who have tried to permanently hinder the progress of judicial reform, “the last one, a few days ago when Minister Alcántara rHe resisted the pressures and avoided acting in an unconstitutional manner, and before that when the Federal Court of the Judicial Branch of the Federation, with dignity and republican sobriety, rejected the resolution of a district judge in an attempt to invade the jurisdiction of this court.”

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However, he stressed that the analysis and discussion of judicial reform is the responsibility of the Congress of the Union, the power empowered to make changes to the Constitution, and reiterated that “it is not only a violation of the principle of legality and an invasion of the Legislative Power, but a flagrant violation of the Constitution.”

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