Samuel García’s presidential desire costs almost 5 million pesos in nine days – El Sol de México

Although frustrated, the dream of Samuel García Sepúlveda to arrive to Presidency of the Republic as standard bearer of Citizen movement It cost Mexicans 4.7 million pesos.

Between November 20th, when the pre-campaign period began, and on November 29, when the last one took place promotion event, although without the presence of the pre-candidate, the emecista headlined 22 events to promote their aspirations, although canceled another seven, according to the report on Accountability and audit results of the National Electoral Institute (INE).

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García Sepúlveda, who At the last minute he announced his decision to continue leading the Government of Nuevo León, He paused in the pre-campaign and On November 28 he resumed his position as governor of Nuevo León to take his leave until December 1 at 11:59 p.m. This, in order to prevent the local Congress from appointing a substitute leader from an opposition party. However, he abandoned the race and renounced his license as governor, since the deputies appointed Luis Enrique Orozco as interim.

During his brief nine-day pre-campaign The emecista canceled seven events: most were meetings with militants and sympathizers and the delivery of propaganda, in addition to a master conference on water in Nuevo León, the Presentation of a book and a breakfast with hotel businessmen.

According to this report, which only shows the expenses registered with the INE, of the 4.7 million pesos allocated 41.07 percent to propaganda, equivalent to one million 968 thousand 296.22 pesos, while 29.66 percent It was for public propaganda, that is, a million 421 thousand 644.69 pesos.

Although one of the lawyer’s strengths is his personal promotion through social networks, according to the report he only spent 654,500 pesos on these platforms and on advertising displayed on internet pages, which represented 13.66 percent of the total.

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It also allocated 577 thousand 805.19 (12.06 percent) in utilitarian propaganda and 170 thousand 525.25 (3.56 percent) in pre-campaign operations.

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