The Minister of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN), Juan Luis Gonzalez Alcantara Carrancawarned that the appeal filed by the BREAD before the Court against the alleged overrepresentation of Morena and allies in the Congress of the Union “It may not have the effect of replacing the decisions of the Superior Chamber (of the Electoral Tribunal) in what falls within its jurisdiction.”
The Minister President Norma Piña Hernández On August 23, the Court admitted the appeal filed by Marko Cortés, leader of the National Action Party (PAN), and referred the project to Minister González Alcántara Carrancá to study the matter and prepare a project on the matter.
The appeal filed by the PAN seeks that the SCJN impose a criterion that results in the Superior Chamber of the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation ordering the reassignment of plurinominal seats for Morena and allies in the Chamber of Deputies and in the Senate of the Republic.
However, during his speech at Tuesday’s session, the minister in charge of the conflict of criteria 231/2024 warned that the effects of the resolution of the Plenary of the High Court will not have retroactive effects; that is, they will not affect the resolutions determined by the TEPJF regarding the validation of elections for federal senators and deputies.
“I would like to inform that I will take the time to propose a project to this full court, but that this cannot have the effect of replacing the decisions of the Superior Chamber (of the TEPJF) within its jurisdiction,” explained González Alcántara Carrancá.
Read more: Morena’s overrepresentation in Congress is not the will of the people: Marko Cortés
“The Higher Court is the only authority empowered to review the allocation of seats in the House of Representatives or Senate based on the principle of proportional representation. Therefore, there can be no doubt that I am and will be the first to observe and respect this specific provision of jurisdiction,” added the Court Minister.
“Just as this full court has the power to ultimately define the proper constitutional interpretation of electoral laws, the higher chamber of the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation is the highest authority on the subject,” concluded González Alcántara.