Senate approves agreement for election of vacant minister for SCJN – El Sol de México

The Senate Plenary approved the agreement of the Board of Directors, which establishes the procedure for the choice who will fill the vacancy Arturo Saldívar Lelo de Larrea in the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN)which must comply with the considerations established by the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States.

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On November 15, the Chamber received the shortlist presented by the federal Executive for the appointment of a minister for the SCJNwhich is made up of Bertha María Alcalde Luján, Lenia Batres Guadarrama and María Estela Ríos Gonzálezwhose files were turned over to the Justice Commission.

Now it’s time for the senators determine whether the people proposed by Andrés Manuel López Obrador comply with the requirements established in article 95 of the Political Constitution and which must now appear to answer questions from the legislators.

The Justice Commission will present for consideration by the Senate Plenary the opinion regarding the requirements of eligibility of the people who make up the shortlista document that will be published in the Senate Gazette, at least 24 hours before the session in which the proposals for the consideration of the Assembly.

Based on the opinion sent by the Justice Commission, the president of the Board of Directors, Ana Lilia Rivera Rivera, will summon the people who have satisfied the requirements provided for by article 95 of the Constitution, to make a presentation on the suitability of their candidacy before the Plenary Session of the Senate of the Republic. During these presentations there will be no room for questions or debates.

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Among other points, the procedure specifies that once all the presentations have been made, voting will be carried out to elect who will occupy the position of minister of the SCJN; The election will be carried out through ballot voting and the person who is elected will immediately protest to the position.

It adds that, once the designation has been made, the president of the Board of Directors will notify the president of the Republic and the president of the Court, for the corresponding legal effects.

In the event that in the first vote none of the proposed persons meets the constitutional majority required, a second vote by ballot will be carried out immediately, and that between these votes there will be no room for interventions or debates.

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If the constitutional majority is not met in the second vote, it is mentioned in the document, the triple It will be considered rejected and the result will be communicated to the head of the federal Executive, so that it complies with the provisions of the second paragraph of article 96 of the Constitution.

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