Senate Justice Commission approves shortlist to occupy the position of minister in the SCJN – El Sol de México

With 12 votes in favor, 5 against and one abstention, senators from the Justice Commission approved the eligibility and suitability of the shortlist of candidates sent by the President Andrés Manuel López Obradorto occupy the position of minister in the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, a position she left Arturo Zaldívar Lelo de Larrea.

The Morenistas Bertha María Alcalde Luján, Lenia Batres and María Estela Ríos, appeared before the senators to participate for the position left by Arturo Zaldívar, who explained their reasons for competing.

Bertha María Alcalde Luján, aspiring to occupy the vacant position of minister in the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, pointed out the importance of being part of the highest judicial court, as an unparalleled opportunity to contribute to addressing the historical demands of the people of Mexico that demand respect for their rights as well as the solution of their conflicts and breaking down barriers to access to justice, especially for historically marginalized people.

For her part, the candidate to occupy a position as minister of the Supreme Court, Lenia Batres, pointed out that President López Obrador does not ask for servility, but for consistency.

“I think that when he talks about how they failed him, he has referred to very specific things. I understand that he asked them when they stayed, to promote austerity policies in the Judiciary. Two, that they abide by the remuneration standard. Three, that they will seek to agree on judicial reform. So, I think he is not asking for servility, he is actually asking for there to be ministers who defend compliance with the Constitution on those issues that have been evaded.”

It is worth mentioning that the Federal Executive has insisted that of the four ministers that it had to propose and who today occupy places in the Court, two of them have not respected the policies that it asked them to uphold.

In her speech, the candidate for the Supreme Court, María Estela Ríos, assured “yes, I am suitable to occupy the position of Minister of the Court, says legal advisor to the Presidency.”

The legal advisor to the Presidency, María Estela Ríos, rejects not meeting the constitutional requirements to become a minister of the Court, or that her candidacy, for occupying the position she currently holds, is illegal.

“Taking into account my honesty, trustworthiness, professionalism and honorability with which I have behaved throughout my professional life, the answer is yes, I am suitable. And if I wanted to delve into the objection that Senator Germán Martínez has formulated, it would be necessary to point out that a distinction cannot be made where the Constitution does not make it, nor can an extensive interpretation be applied when the Constitution does not make it, because it would violate a right”.

However, he acknowledged being similar to President López Obrador’s way of thinking, although he denied that he has the obligation to obey him.

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