Senate receives resignation of Arturo Zaldívar from Segob – El Sol de México

Eduardo Ramírez, president of the Political Coordination Board, stated that the Senate of the Republic received from the Secretary of Government the resignation of the minister of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, Arturo Zaldivarwhich was turned over to the Justice Commission.

The resignation of Minister Arturo Zaldívar from the Senate has already arrived, it has just been turned over to the Justice Commission. (…) No, I think we are going to wait until we run out of time on Wednesday, because the senators are involved in other activities right now.”

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It will be the Justice Commission the one that rules on the request and determines what proceeds with Minister Arturo Zaldívar, since his case is not considered a serious matter.

Arturo Zaldívar, presented last Tuesday to President Andrés Manuel López Obrador his resigns from the country’s highest court.

“Today I have presented to President Andrés Manuel López Obrador my resignation from the position of Minister of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, so that, if he accepts it, it may be submitted to the Senate of the Republic for approval. .

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“My cycle on the Court has ended. During these 14 years I promoted the most avant-garde criteria that constituted the new constitutional paradigm in the defense of the human rights of all people.

“It is now time to continue serving my country in the consolidation of the transformation of a fairer Mexico and more egalitarian, in which those who have the least and need it most are a priority,” he stated in his resignation letter.

To accept the resignation of Arturo Zaldívar, a simple majority of the senators is required, that is, half plus one of those present at Wednesday’s session.

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Eduardo Ramírez, recognized that there is no consensus between the different parliamentary groups to appoint two magistrates of the Superior Chamber of the Electoral Court, who will replace José Luis Vargas and Indalfer Infante, who concluded their duties on October 31.

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