SEO: Earthquakes that have shaken Mexico in September, from 1985 to 2022 – El Sol de México

Due to its geographical location, Mexico is a country with high seismic activity It is located between five tectonic plates: the Caribbeanthe one of the Peacefulthe one of North Americathe Rivera and that of Coconuts.

However, in the Mexican collective thought It is believed that September is a seismic month by the amount of Earth movements that have marked this month over the years, despite the fact that experts from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and other institutions have explained that this is coincidences and It is not possible to predict earthquakes.

Still, from the magnitude 8.1 earthquake that occurred in 1985which left thousands dead and damaged buildings, there have been at least six earthquakes that have shaken Mexico in the month of September, so the idea remains.

The earthquakes that have marked Mexico in September

Most of the earthquakes in september have occurred one day 7 or 19however, it is this last date that is most “feared” because it is the same day that the National drill in the framework of the National Civil Protection Day.

Earthquakes of September 19 and 20, 1985

At 7:19 a.m. on September 19, 1985, when several people were beginning or preparing to begin their school or work activities, an earthquake began that in a matter of minutes left the then Federal District in ruins.

The earthquake had its epicenter off the coast of Michoacán with a magnitude of 8.1 at a depth of 15 kilometers (km). The earthquake, which was felt in the center, south and west of the country, caused more than 30 thousand injuries, 150 thousand homeless, 30 thousand homes destroyed and more than 60 thousand with damages, as well as an official figure of 6 thousand deaths, explains the Cenapred.

Just as residents of the capital were beginning to come to terms with the situation and had come together to help find people in buildings, a 7.6 magnitude earthquake struck on the night of September 20, causing more structures damaged by the main event to collapse.

Earthquake of September 19, 2017

A few years later, September would again record another earthquake when on September 7 at 11:49 p.m. another of the largest earthquakes ever recorded in Mexico occurred. With a magnitude of 8.2, the earthquake that was felt in the center and south of the country, caused the Death of 99 people: 79 in Oaxaca, 16 in Chiapas and four in Tabasco.

According to Cenapred, there were also 449 thousand victims, 112 thousand homes affected, 6 thousand schools and 51 health units with impacts. The aftershocks were felt until March 23, 2018, according to the National Seismological Service (SSN).

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