Sheinbaum recognizes former Mexican ambassador in Ecuador after an appearance in Quito – El Sol de México

Claudia Sheinbaum recognized the former ambassador of Mexico in Ecuador, Raquel Serurafter she was declared persona non grata by the government of that country.

The Morenista candidate assured that the former diplomat “is a very brave woman.” Previously, on her social networks, Sheinbaum Pardo had supported President Andrés Manuel López for breaking relations with Ecuadorafter the invasion of the Ecuadorian police at the Mexican Embassy in Quito.

Before hundreds of Mexican women gathered in Los Reyes-LaPaz, Sheinbaum Pardo praised the work of Raquel Serur and said: “Well, I’ll take this opportunity to tell you something that I just posted on social media — it has nothing to do with the context of the issue of women — but it does have to do with a very brave woman who is ours. ambassador in Ecuador who protected the entire diplomatic corps, also with the head of the chancellery,” he commented.

Previously, Sheinbaum had posted a message on his “X” social network account, in which disapproved of the entry of Ecuadorian police into the Mexican Embassy in Quito to stop the former Ecuadorian vice president Jorge Glas.

“Our recognition to the bravery of the diplomatic corps, to President López Obrador and Foreign Minister Alicia Bárcena for the decision to break relations and take the case to the International Court of Justice. We join in the gratitude of the countries that have been supportive of Mexico. The violation of international treaties and our sovereignty is unacceptable. The country defends itself,” said Sheinbaum.

During the morning of this Tuesday, President López Obrador showed a video of the Ecuadorian police entering the Mexican Embassy and criticized his commercial partners from the United States and Canada for not supporting Mexico in the face of the conflict with Ecuador and said that they have an “indefinite” position.

Meanwhile, the Moreno candidate during her rally also took the opportunity to intensify her criticism against the opposition and said that in the east of that entity there was a lot of corruption by previous governments, which caused the abandonment of women.

Likewise, he said that he will govern hand in hand with the Morenista Delfina Gómez to support women.

The presidential standard bearer promised to bring to the State of Mexico: more social programs focused on women and different public transportation schemesfrom buses to trolleybuses, solve the water shortage and create high schools and universities for that region.

In addition, she defended her results in terms of security when she was head of Government and stated that femicides decreased by 40 percent.

Besides, Sheinbaum recalled the conflict that his Government had with the Prosecutor of Morelos, Uriel Carmona, and the lawsuit that was filed against him for the feminicide case. of the young Ariadna Fernanda, who was murdered in the capital and whose body left the state of Morelos.

Sheinbaum accused that for that reason and because his then prosecutor Ernestina Godoy investigated the case of the “Real Estate Cartel”, the PRI and the PAN did not allow him to continue in the position of prosecutor.

“He had the courage to denounce and bring to court that prosecutor from Morelos, who was detained and later released by a judge with an injunction. Imagine the courage of a prosecutor who says never again to cover up a femicide in our country and the prosecutors who want to hide it must be punished. That is the Fourth Transformation. This is how we women of the Fourth Transformation act.”

“When I left Mexico City we reduced homicides by 50 percent, high-impact crimes by 60 percent, we have a strategy from the State of Mexico to further reduce insecurity here in the state,” said the candidate.

“We are going to reach the presidency of the Republic, we are going to support everyone. What we cannot do under any circumstances is return to a past of corruption and privileges and, I said that, upon reaching the Presidency, now as president-elect, we are going to return here to Los Reyes-La Paz, with other municipalities in the East of the State of Mexico,” he noted.

“What I can tell you with complete certainty, and you all know me, is that we have principles and causes in Morena, we are not going to reach the Presidency of the Republic for personal satisfaction. “We govern for the people of Mexico and to serve Mexican women and when we come to government we have three fundamental principles that you know and will repeat with me, do not steal from us, lie to us and do not betray the people of Mexico,” he promised.

The Morenoist standard-bearer promised to implement actions at the national level to help and protect women that she previously developed in the capital, such as: creation of the *765 telephone number to provide help and, create a special police force focused on women.

“We are going to support women and everyone in our country with a vision, the vision of Mexican humanism. We are different, we are not the same,” said the standard bearer of the Morena Coalition, Green Party and Labor.

“The only possibility that there is an honest government that thinks about women is an honest woman, who has done work for women, the other options do not make any sense,” she explained.

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During his rally in the Magdalena Atlipac Colony, de los Reyes-La PazSheinbaum was accompanied by candidates for deputies and senators for the State of Mexico of the Esaú coalition, such as Mojica Álvarez Nemer and Mariela Gutiérrez, among others.

During this Tuesday Sheinbaum will have meetings with supporters from other towns in the State of Mexico, such as: Ixtapaluca, Chimalhuacán and Nezahualcóyotl.

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