Currently, Many people spend most of their day sitting. Whether for work, pleasure or necessity, sometimes The Mexican population lives in sedentary lifestyle.
Far from what was believed, Sitting for long periods of time has various health complicationswhich even could cause premature deathdue to the effects they cause on the organs.
In an interview with The Sun of Mexicothe Dr. Alejandra Silva Garciaa specialist in Occupational Health from UNAM, explained What are the risks of sitting? in long periods of time.
What damage does sitting for long periods of time cause?
In the words of the doctor, Sitting for long periods of time causes both physical and mental health problems. The physicists are:
- Obesity
- Cardiovascular diseases
- Cancer
- Incorrect posture
- Pain in the back, neck or head
- Increases the risks of developing herniated discs
- Wear and tear premature babies of the backbone
- Respiratory problemssince being hunched limits the expansion of the lungs
- Muscle injuriesmainly in legs
- Bone wear not being in motion
- Risks of death from cardiovascular disease
Mental health consequences:
- Increase in anxiety
- Depression
Sitting for long periods of time increases the risk of death
Dr. Alejandra Silva assures that Sitting for long periods of time increases the risk of cardiovascular diseasebecause the Sedentary lifestyle causes poor circulation and accumulates fat in the body.
People who sit for more than eight hours a day without physical activity have a risk of death similar to obese people or smokers.Dr. Alejandra Silva.
He Sitting for long periods of time contracts muscles and decreases blood flow. Added to this, another factor that influences mortality is that Being without physical activity causes cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension, obesity or diabetes.
Another factor that could increase the risk of death is that people, In addition to having sedentary jobs, do not do any physical activity to help them develop branches in the heart. This added to that are exposed to periods of stresscould cause them a sudden heart attack.
Sitting for too long could cause cancer
Added to the risk of death, a person who sits for long periods of time has up to “a 66 percent more than likelihood of developing certain types of cancer“. Among the most common types are:
This type of cancer could also develop if, in addition to sitting for a long time, the person only consume processed foods.
Endometrial cancer only develops in women, because The endometrium is a tissue of the uterus which is eliminated during menstruation and can increase due to a sedentary lifestyle.
How long is it advisable to sit?
To avoid health risks, The doctor recommends taking active breaks every two hours.that is, carry out activities to activate the musculoskeletal systemwhich can last five minutes.
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We can do a stretch, dance or any movement to stretch the muscles to promote circulation. Dr. Alejandra Silva.