Succession of rector at UNAM has its own times, says Enrique Graue – El Sol de México

Enrique Grauerector of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) assured that “the university agenda has its own times” by ruling out risks that the decision to choose his successor will be tied with the selection of party candidates.

Upon leaving the Rectory through vehicular access, the rector said that it is “normal” that the Governing Board has so far taken three days to analyze the trajectory of ten of the candidates to occupy the position for the period 2023-2027.

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Graue Wiechers was asked if the Board has taken a long time to make the designation, and he recalled that eight years ago, in his case, The process lasted four days and then there were only four applicants.

In federal electoral times, it is expected that this Friday, the parties and alliances will define the names of who will be the candidates for different governorships.

For this reason, the rector was consulted on this issue and when stopping the vehicle, in the presence of the media, he celebrated that the 15 members of the Board are taking enough time to examine the applicants’ careers.

Likewise, the academic assured that the delay of the Governing Board in electing one of the 10 candidates, does not put the stability of the institution at risk and denied having an estimated date or time in which the members can make their decision known.

Enrique Graue He assured that these days he will remain in his office to follow up on the decision of the 15 notables and for now, he has organized his office to leave office on November 17.

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Meanwhile, he commented that upon leaving the top position he will return to academic life as a professor at the Faculty of Medicine. For now, the Governing Board is preparing for its fourth day of deliberation regarding the candidacy of ten candidates.

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