Superior Chamber of the TEPJF ratifies victory of Pablo Lemus as governor of Jalisco – El Sol de México

The Superior Chamber of the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (TEPJF) rejected a challenge filed by Claudia Delgadillo, Morena candidate for governor of Jalisco, against the MC candidate, Pablo Lemus, virtual governor-elect of that entity, which still maintains her victory.

However, there is still one more appeal pending review by the Electoral Court against the election results in Jalisco, which was also filed by Delgadillo.

The appeal that the Morena candidate had filed with the Superior Chamber of the TEPJF on Thursday and that was rejected by this same authority, had to do with an alleged failure by the Electoral Tribunal of the State of Jalisco, whom she accused of not having attended to the complaints she filed against Lemus. But the former candidate’s complaint was dismissed.

The TEPJF magistrates decided to dismiss the Morena member’s challenge, which alleged “violations of constitutional principles and values ​​that affect the validity of the election for governor.”

However, there is still Delgadillo’s other appeal, which has to do directly with the qualification of the victory and the issuance of the certificate of majority to Lemus, and the TEPJF has until December 6 to resolve this last appeal included in file SUp-JC-954/2024.

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