T-MEC will continue regardless of judicial reform, says Larry Rubin – El Sol de México

Larry Rubinpresident of the American Society of Mexicoconsidered that whatever the outcome of the discussions on the judicial reform in Mexicothe Trade Agreement with the United States and Canada, (USMCA) is solid so it would not be directly affected.

At a press conference, the businessman stressed, however, that the modifications to the Mexican justice system must send Messages of certainty to foreign investors.

“The reality is that the USMCA will continue regardless of the outcome of the judicial reform being discussed, although we do believe that there would be discussion about it during the review, so we believe that this reform should send messages of certainty. The reform of the Judicial Branch is necessary, however, we believe that there are improvements to this reform that can be made to make it stronger and better for Mexico,” he said.

On the contrary, Rubin warned that the disappearance of autonomous organs such as the Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT), Yes, it would provoke a deep discussion in the review of the T-MEC when the three countries review it in 2026, since the agreement obliges the parties to have a telecommunications regulatory body.

We believe that there should be organizations that remain and the IFT is one of them, the IFT should remain.

He revealed that since the American Society They have made the invitation to the next coordinator in the Chamber of Deputies, Ricardo Monrealto discuss the disappearance of autonomous organss and the reform of the judiciary.

He said that the entrepreneurs Americans They see Mexico as a place of great investment opportunities for the development of the two nations.

There is, he said, a close cooperation between the two countries that can become stronger every day.

Larry Rubin He also spoke about the pause that the president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador put in its relationship with the United States Embassies and Canadafollowing the comments of the ambassadors of those countries against the Judicial Reform, and called on the federal government to “if not through diplomatic means,” The president maintains dialogue with the private sector.

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“Mexico and the United States have a shared future beyond the USMCA, but messages of certainty are required. What we are particularly seeking from the US Private Initiative in Mexico is that the conditions be equitable, fair and free of political commitments or possible allusions to corruption, and for us, the existence of a robust and impartial judicial system is extremely important, and I believe that is why the concern we have about the reform as it is currently designed opens the door to it not being the best reform that could be given to the Mexican judicial system,” the businessman insisted.

Larry Rubin He also reiterated the invitation of the American Society to President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to participate, next week, in the Third Binational Meetingin which more than 100,000 people will participate One hundred businessmen from Mexico and the United States.

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