TEPJF plans to ratify qualified majority for the 4T in the Chamber of Deputies – El Sol de México

The magistrate Felipe de la Mata Pizañafrom the Upper Room of the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (TEPJF)proposes to confirm the agreement of the National Electoral Institute (INE) which awarded to Morena, PT and Green Party hold majority in the Chamber of Deputies which allows it to approve judicial reform and other modifications to the Constitution.

A few hours before the deadline to resolve the constitution of Congressthe magistrate made public his draft resolution of the challenges presented by the PAN, PRI and Citizen Movement partiesas well as the citizen Jorge Ernesto de Inzunza de Armas, in which confirms the decision of the INE to grant Morena 75 plurinominal seats, the PVEM 20 and the PT 13, with which the bloc totals 364 deputies.

The magistrate proposes declare all the arguments of the dissenters unfoundedas the limits to overrepresentation must be verified by coalition and not by party; Morena complied by nominating 200 deputies by the principle of relative majority to participate in the allocation of plurinominal seats; or that The INE did not take into account the criterion of the governability clause that the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) established request of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador when he was national leader of the PRD.

De la Mata Pizaña also proposes declare unfounded the arguments that the INE incorrectly applied the eight percent limit of overrepresentation; that the PT and the Green Party won seats with votes from Morena, which the opposition described as a illegal transfer of votes; the underrepresentation of minorities, and that The opposition would not have the number of seats necessary to file an action of unconstitutionality in the Supreme Court.

The Superior Court received 5,317 challenges against the allocation of plurinominal seatsHowever, a large number will be dismissed because they are Trials for the Protection of Political-Electoral Rights (JDC).

The challenges to the distribution of plurinominal senatorial seats were referred to the reports of other magistrates and the draft resolutions are not yet public.

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