The 8 soldiers accused of the disappearance of the 43 from Ayotzinapa are free – El Sol de México

The eight soldiers accused of being related to the disappearance of the 43 normal students of Ayotzinapa They left the military prison of Military Camp Number 1 early this Wednesday to continue his process on parole.

On Saturday, a federal judge based in Toluca, State of Mexico, granted provisional release to these eight elements of the Mexican Army and determined that said soldiers continue their trial in freedom in exchange for a bail of 50 thousand pesosof the periodic signature of the defendants and of handing over their passports.

The military’s lawyer Alejandro Robledo Carreteroconfirmed the release of said military elements from prison and noted that they also covered the bail set by Judge Raquel Ivette Duarte Cedillo.

Other precautionary measures that were imposed on the eight members of the Sedena are the periodic presentation on the 1st and 16th of each month, the delivery of their passports, the prohibition of leaving the country, as well as the prohibition of approaching the place of the facts, specifically the state of Guerrero.

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The military is also legally prevented from living with, approaching or communicating with victims or protected witnesses, as long as it does not affect the right of defense.

After this resolution by Judge Duarte Cedillo, the Attorney General’s Office (FGR) announced on Monday that it will “immediately” present the corresponding appeals against this judicial determination.

The organization headed by Alejandro Gertz Manero accused the judge of having granted “undue advantages” and “ignoring resolutions that determined justified preventive detention for eight members of the Armed Forces accused of serious crimes in the Ayotzinapa case.”

“This procedural conduct, notoriously unfair, which is constantly repeated in matters of national significance or political importance, is used by some media in a partial and misleading manner,” denounced the FGR.

The institution stressed that the corresponding resources that it will present immediately are to guarantee the rights and safety of the victims,” ​​and pointed out that it will also initiate actions that punish acts committed against the administration of justice as a crime, “hindering it and granting undue advantages to those who do not deserve it.”

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Given this, the Federal Judiciary Council (CJF) responded yesterday that the FGR did not challenge a judicial resolution that culminated in the release of the eight soldiers, in addition to that said institution “did not provide sufficient evidence to maintain the justified preventive detention measure.” ”.

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