The lawyer for the parents of the 43 asks that the statements of Tomás Zerón be taken seriously – El Sol de México

He Lawyer for the parents of the 43 missing students from AyotzinapaVidulfo Rosales said that the statements made by Tomás Zerón regarding the Historical Truth being ordered by President Enrique Peña Nieto should be taken seriously.

“Just because Peña Nieto is the president of the Republic doesn’t mean he won’t be touched,” he said upon arriving at the National Palace for a meeting with López Obrador.

Yesterday it was announced that the former director of the Criminal Investigation Agency (AIC) of the then The Attorney General’s Office declared in a Segob questionnairethat the former president Enrique Pena Nieto He was responsible for putting together the Historical Truth, during the meetings of authorities held in The Pines.

Zeron He said that the order was given in the presence of the secretaries of the National Defense, Navy and Governmentn, in addition to the director of the Center for Intelligence and National Security (Cisen).

Rosales added that if there is a line of investigation or evidence to consider that there is probable responsibility or irregularities in the investigation.

About the meeting in National Palace, He said that the dialogues with Lopez Obrador They have practically reached the end and he complained that his clients have not seen any progress in the case during this six-year period.

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So, we will hear if it is more of the same today – which they will give us – then the relevance of the meetings will be evaluated with the mothers and fathers.It ended

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