The new charge – El Sol de México

Power is like a violin. It is taken with the left and touched with the right.

Eduardo Galeano

Morena has nothing to envy of the old PRI style of governing. Their ways and styles are very similar to those of imperial presidentialism where power remains unpunished. Of course, these neo-priists are more crude and pathetic. Their imitation is not only in forms, but also in their speeches, extracted from the most rancid of the tricolor.

Obedience is a hallmark of the Latin American presidential-peripheral heritage, where the political party is characterized by being a group where all the decisions of the leader are defended, although these may represent contradictions, what is more, the one that shows complete subordination and defends stands out. with courage the word and actions of the champion of the people.

But, what is at its core is the reproduction of a way of conceiving politics and the exercise of power, namely, believing that a leader will be able to solve the historical problems that a country is experiencing and permeating with his or her charisma and will alone. Sowing and propagating again the meta-constitutional functions of presidentialism, as Carpizo characterized it, has placed us in a delicate national circumstance.

President López Obrador embodies the providential vision of the leader who will “save” the people. His speech is usually threatening and polarizing, but wrapped with the cellophane of demagoguery, the kind that captivates those who are eager for verbal poultices to dispel their uncertainty.

It is in that atmosphere of rituals and institutional abjection that the “charge” has survived, which has been disguised in many ways, today it is covered up with surveys, with the PRI they said “consult the sectors.” Another feature was the approval without question of the budget. Like now.

In the past, the PRI counted on its front men, PPS, PST and PARM, to do the dirty work; Today Morena has its legislative gunmen, the PT and the Green. Those and the current ones live off the transfusion that the government gives them.

In other times, groups of money owners walked through Los Pinos, today they do so in the National Palace. The “power mafia” is intact, richer and more powerful. And to close the circle of symmetry, various groups and people are looking for the presidential candidate, Claudia Sheinbaum, to turn the “charge” into a concrete practice, although in this case they make mistakes, here the president is still in charge.

Finally, the case of Minister Zaldívar confirms the grotesqueness of the comedy staged from the Palace. The charge of “left” confirms how little the Mexican political system has changed. He deja vu full color.


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