The senator for Morelos Lucía Meza Guzmán resigns from Morena – El Sol de México

The senator for Morelos, Lucía Meza Guzmán announced her departure from the ranks of the National Regeneration Movement (Brunette), arguing that the governor Cuauhtémoc Blanco Bravo He implemented a dirty war and threats against them.

Through his social networks, Meza Guzmán announced his decision: “I will not leave, because the people of Morelos walk with us and the people rule,” he wrote.

Likewise, he published the letter addressed to the national president of Morena, Mario Delgado Carrillo, in which he presented his resignation.

Meza Guzmán expressed that the resolution of the political institute was unfounded, with which they did not allow her to continue in the internal process to elect the coordinator of the Defense Committees of the Fourth Transformation in Morelos.

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In addition, The Senator mentioned that she will not tolerate leadership and internal authorities that turned Morena Morelos into a party under the orders of Blanco Bravo.

Note published in The Sun of Cuernavaca

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