The world is experiencing the worst heat in 125 thousand years – El Sol de México

WASHINGTON. The Humans have never experienced such high temperatures such as those that have been registered between November 2022 and October 2023, 1.3 degrees above usual and the highest in 125 thousand years, according to a report released by Climate Central (CC).

The data collected by the American scientific organization in 175 countries indicate that 99 percent of the planet’s population, some 7.8 billion people, were exposed to temperatures above normal. In addition, 5.7 billion suffered at least 30 days of abnormally high temperatures.

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Are the Higher temperatures than humans have ever experienced since we decided to build cities and live together in large groups,” Andrew Pershing, vice president of Climate Central and one of the authors of the study.

The cause of this record rise in temperatures is carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. atmosphereas stressed by Pershing, who warned that the 2023 data are “fully consistent with the long-term trend.”

Climate Central has developed the so-called Climate Shift Index (CSI) either Climatic Variation Indexa tool that represents the extent to which climate change influences in climate and temperature patterns.

In countries like Spain, Brazil, Mexico, France, the United Kingdom, Iran, Egypt, Philippines, Japanand all those from the Caribbean and Central America region, among others, almost the entire population was subjected to CSI level three temperatures for at least a month.

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The data indicate that between the big cities of the world, the conditions in Houston (USA) were the worst, with 22 consecutive days of extreme heat (between July 31 and August 21).

Pershing warned thatand this will most likely get worse in 2024when the effects of Little girl disappear and become more palpable The boy. “El Niño is really going to start to affect next year and that is going to cause even a further warming in 2024“, said.

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