There are 10 deaths in Cefereso femenil de Morelos in the last six months – El Sol de México

The death of another woman in Federal Center for Social Rehabilitation (Cefereso) Number 16 “CPS women’s Morelos”Located in Michapa, Coatlán del Río, Morelos, alarm and concern increases. In the last six months, There have been ten deaths of inmates in this federal prison.

According to the security report, It was early this Wednesday morning that Karla “N” was found module 7 pavilion 03, room 6.

These events, which have been attributed to suicides, have led to victims’ families to seek answers and legal support in the State Commission on Human Rights (CEDH), but due to the federal jurisdiction of the criminal, the case has been referred to the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH). However, to date, the CNDH has not responded to requests for intervention.

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In this context, the Morelos Independent Human Rights Commission (CIDHM) He called on both federal and state authorities to urgently and seriously address these deaths.

CIDHM requests to investigate deaths of prisoners as femicides

Juliana Quintanilla, member of the CIDHM, He emphasized in an interview the need to carry out exhaustive investigations. The CIDHM suggests that, while these investigations are carried out, the deaths are treated as femicides, arguing that it cannot be preliminarily assumed that they are suicides without proper investigation.

“As long as there is a violent incident and it is exposed to society, in accordance with the established protocol, it must be established as feminicide. “If in the end the investigation leads you to another result then it is different, but you cannot a priori say that it was suicide when you have not investigated anything,” expressed the activist.

This situation becomes even more critical because Morelos is one of the 23 states that has a Gender Violence Alert (AVG).

“There is a commitment to society, there is an obligation to address the issues of womennot only at the federal level, but also at the state level because the states with the declaration have to address any fact of violence that appears in its territory”, external.

This implies an obligation of both the federal and state governments to address any act of violence that occurs. occurs in the territory, particularly those that affect women.

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The activist reiterated that the lack of response from the CNDH and the need for greater action by state and federal authorities show a gap in the protection of human rights in the prison system.

“We ask the CNDH a report due to the concern that this situation generates, but it is the date that we do not have a response, we were talking before about a smaller number of cases, now there are ten, and it is unheard of that the authority has not paid attention to such a delicate case,” external.

With information from Enrique Domínguez

Published in The Sun of Cuernavaca

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