There are 11 minors murdered in Chihuahua due to cases of family violence – El Sol de México

So far this year, in Chihuahua, a total of 11 minors have been murdered due to alleged family violence, where 80% of the cases correspond to violence inflicted by the parents of the minors and the rest corresponds to family members or guardians who are in charge of these minors.

This count is the one recorded by the State Attorney General’s Office in the state of Chihuahua, where to date the corporations have been able to locate the 11 fatalitiesin hospitals or in the same addresseswith features of severe bruises, which end the lives of children in a matter of seconds.

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From January to December 2022the same corporation registered a total of 11 cases similar to those reported until the first days of December 2023. This implies that, in a period of two years, at least 22 minors have lost their lives as a result of violence inflicted by a guardian or close family member.

In the northern region of the state, which encompasses Juarez and its surroundings, a total of four homicides of children have been recorded, while in Chihuahua and surrounding areas, three more cases have been recorded, in the Cuauhtémoc area and its surroundings there were two more cases and in the northwest region, one more case has been documented, according to statistical data from the State Attorney General’s Office.

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According to the files, the minors could have been murdered for different reasons, but the one that most prevails is the violence against them, which is mostly inflicted by an adult, that is, by the parents or guardians who have the responsibility to ensure its integrity.

Among some of the factors that the investigating agents have been able to detect, is that in many of the cases, not in their entirety, there are attacks that derive from a consumption of drugsas well as alcoholic beverages, which possibly facilitate or trigger this type of behavior.

The most recent case was committed on December 2, in the Praderas del Sur neighborhood, where an unfortunate event was recorded, after a three-year-old minor, identified as Itzel, lost her life as a result of a physical assault that he suffered last Saturday, as evidenced by the security elements who They managed to protect the body of the minor.

The events occurred on Granjas San Joaquín Street, in the aforementioned neighborhood, where according to the investigation by the Women’s Prosecutor’s Office, a couple of subjects beat a child under three years old until she became unconscious and lost her life as a result of that attack, and for this fact Marleny A C. and Antonio VL, mother and stepfather of the deceased minor, were arrested, who were arrested and sent to prison.

A couple of days before Itzel’s death was completed, on November 30, another similar case arose, but in this case against a four month old babywho according to the first indications was reported as a physical attack, later the death was classified as asphyxiation due to ingestion of food and later it was determined that the parents were drugged and they were registered for omission of care.

The events occurred in the Lealtad II neighborhood, where municipal agents located the baby in a vacant lot, while the subject escaped from the scene, but were later arrested and placed at the disposal of the corresponding authorities; The parents were identified as José Samuel AP, and Brenda Berenice MV, who remain in preventive detention.

Another case that caused great indignation in the city was the death of Ximena, three years oldwhich occurred in April of this year and who was apparently murdered by her parents, who allegedly gave her a severe beating, which finally took her life inside the home.

The alleged perpetrators They were identified as Mónica Karely OE and Francisco VP, who are 19 and 22 years old, respectively, and were arrested on April 18, after they handed Ximena over to the health authorities of the Children’s Hospital in the city of Chihuahua, since They argued that the minor had fallen and had gotten sick.

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However, the medical staff, upon examining the three-year-old girl, detected that she had several injuries on almost the entire body, and that they had different durations, so it was suspected that the minor’s owners had hit it repeatedly occasions and later his participation in the events was determined.

Note published in The Herald of Chihuahua

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