There are no serious reasons: Senate gives the green light to the resignation of Arturo Zaldívar from the SCJN – El Sol de México

With 63 votes in favor of Morena, PT and PVEM and 43 against the opposition containment bloc made up of PAN, PRI, PRD, MC and Grupo Plural, the Plenary Session of the Senate of the Republic approved the resignation of Arturo Zaldivar Lelo de Larea, as minister of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation.

In the discussion, opposition senators argued that there were no serious reasons for Minister Arturo Zaldivar to leave his position in the Supreme Court, which ended in 2024, when his period as minister concluded, in addition to criticizing his aspirations within Morena, because they reminded him that at least for the next two years he will not be able to hold a position in the federation.

The ruling was sent to the federal Executive and the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation for their information and the corresponding procedures.

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