They present a new novel by Gabriel García Márquez, See you in August – El Sol de México

Almost 10 years after his death, García Márquez surprises us. I had the opportunity to read ‘See you in August’ before it was edited,” he commented. Benito Taibowho assured that after doing so he was able to discover “that García Márquez was not dead.”

During the lcommercial launch of the unpublished novel by Gabriel García Márquezthis March 6, the day that there would be turned 97 years oldTaibo assured that the Colombian writer “subtly returns to tell us what he knows how to do so well. It’s a wonderful love story. It has all the virtues of García Márquez’s pen, which of course His form, his style, the way of telling, of taking the reader by the mouth with a hook did not age at all.take it into their networks and turn it into an accomplice.”

Gabo’s close friend, Benito Taibo also read to an audience that came to the Gandhi bookstore to buy the book, its first pages. “See you in August” is a novel written by the Nobel Prize winner in Literature in 122 pages, which tells the story of Anne Magdalene Bach, who has spent 27 years married. She travels to an island to visit her mother’s grave, where She encounters a man who disrupts the stability of her routine, prompting her to escape every year of her life. built with his family.

The new publication, which arrived this Wednesday in bookstores around the world, It was written by Gabo without the desire for it to be published. Even so, the text has seen the light to be part of his bibliography, along with other works such as “100 years of solitude”, “Love in the time of cholera” and “The colonel has no one to write to him”.

It is the triumph of literature against time

Benito Taibo

During the event, some readers said they had high expectations of what they will read in the new story. “Because of the way he describes each situation, what I expect from this book is a romantic story“. “I had the opportunity to read the preface and it filled me a lot, especially because of how it tells the story of how it came to be published,” were some of the comments shared to The Sun of Mexico.

The presentation event also featured live colombian music in charge of the group Colombia Caribbeanthat with their songs of vallenato They livened up the celebration with cake and toasts, including Gabriel García Márquez’s 97th birthday.

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