They will strengthen monitoring in Mexico against avian influenza in US dairy cows – El Sol de México

In a working meeting, the head of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (Sader), Víctor Villalobos Arámbula, and the president of the Mexican Dairy Federation (Femeleche), Vicente Gómez Cobo, agreed to reinforce biosafety mechanisms to monitor, monitor, and prevent avian influenza in cattle that already affects dairy cattle in several states of the American Union.

Secretary Villalobos confirmed that the agency under his charge maintains its open-door policy to serve producers and, through consensus, seek solutions that help the sector’s activities continue its growth and development in favor of food security.

One of the main objectives is to safeguard the productive capacity in the agricultural, livestock, aquaculture and fishing subsectors of the country.

In terms of marketing, with Canada and the United States we have a complementary market that contributes to productive and competitive stability, for the benefit of producers and consumers in the North American region, he said.

And both committed to strengthening actions to maintain order in the market, so as not to create speculative bubbles that deteriorate profitability for livestock farmers and consumer prices.

In turn, the president of Femeleche presented the results of the ninth edition of the National Dairy Forum, which was held in March in Aguascalientes with the participation of national and international producers.

Success stories were presented such as the digitalization of production units in India and Spain with a dairy cooperative that is developed under a sustainable production scheme.

In the Sader working meeting with milk producers from Jalisco, Aguascalientes, State of Mexico, Chihuahua, Guanajuato and Hidalgo, the challenges that arise in the sector regarding climate change were also reviewed.

And with it the availability of forage, production costs, drying processes and sanitary measures. The aim is to achieve a more productive, competitive and sustainable dairy sector.

At the end of this work meeting, the milk producers presented recognition to the Ministry of Agriculture for their work and management in favor of the development of the national dairy sector.

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