Since the announcement of Oasis’ return to the stage after 15 years of absence, it has caused a furor on social networks with fans doing everything to get tickets.
This Saturday, after the opening of ticket sales on platforms such as Ticketmaster, the sale has caused everything from a collapse to a warning about reselling.
On social media, the Brit pop group warned that tickets purchased outside the terms and conditions will be cancelled by the promoters, which in this case is Ticketmaster.
“Please note that tickets can ONLY be resold at face value, through Ticketmaster and Twickets. Tickets sold in violation of the terms and conditions will be cancelled by the organizers.“Oasis said in X.
Similarly, Liam and Noel Gallagher’s group reported from their Instagram account that pre-sale codes for fans will be sent again to prevent tickets from being sold out.
“Please do not buy codes from other people. Codes only work with registered email. If you don’t have a pre-sale code, you can still join the general sale,” he said.
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4-hour virtual queues and overpricing
Tickets for the 17 concerts of the legendary Britpop group, which announced its departure on Tuesday Liam Gallagher returns to the stage after 15 years of estrangement between his brother Noel and Liamwent on sale at 10:00 a.m. in the United Kingdom and an hour earlier in Ireland in various places such as Ticketmaster and Gigs and Tours.
However, many fans reported that had difficulties accessing the ticketswith Hundreds of thousands left waiting and others who could not even access the sales portals.
“Can we please go back to the good old days of lining up outside the record store or concert venue to buy tickets?” said one desperate fan of the band on the X network.
Many fans had a bad surprise when they accessed the page ticket salessometimes with several hours of waiting, and they saw that the price had doubled due to strong “demand”.
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“What a feeling it is to wait in line for four hours only to find out that the ticket price has gone from £148 to… £355 because there is so much demand. Isn’t that illegal?” complained one Internet user on X.
With information from AFP