“Totem” tastes glory at the 2024 Ariel Awards – El Sol de México

GUADALAJARA. “Totem,” the film directed by Mexican filmmaker Lila Avilés, was the most awarded during the 66th edition of the Ariel Awards, presented by the Mexican Academy of Cinematographic Arts and Sciences (AMACC) and held at the Degollado Theater in Guadalajara, Jalisco.

The film, which stars Montserrat Marañón and Marisol Gasé, won the Best Film and Best Director statuettes, making its director the third filmmaker to win in the category, in which Tatiana Huezo (“El Eco”) and Elisa Miller (“Temporada de huracanes”) were also nominated.

“I thank my entire family because being a director requires absences, sacrifices, egos, but also strength, understanding, knowledge and construction. I thank the entire ‘totemic’ team, those ‘chiquigenias’ (Naíma Sentíes and Saori Gurza) who taught us to see that the beauty of childhood is very beautiful, that in those ‘bodies’ of women, live wonderful, luminous, mature and very warrior beings,” Avilés said upon receiving the award for Best Director.

“I build myself from the films I see, hear, feel and admire,” added the director, who took the opportunity to remind us “that we have to take care of ourselves, protect ourselves, inspire ourselves,” and made a call for help from films from other countries like Argentina.

“Tótem” won five awards out of a total of 15 nominations, also standing out in the categories of Best New Actress for Naima Santíes, Original Screenplay for the same Lila Avilés and Best Female Supporting Actress for Monserrat Marañón.

“The words, the letters, what we have here inside, the structure of the scripts, everything starts with numbers, with figures, with codes that make cinema,” said Lila Avilés upon receiving the Ariel for Best Screenplay.

On the other hand, behind “Totem”, as the second most successful film, was “Todo el silencio” with four awards, directed by Diego del Río, who won his first Ariel in his career, in the category of Best First Film.

“It’s a dream to be here, this feels like a very warm welcome in a place where I have sought inspiration for so long to make the theatre I have made,” said the stage director.

In the categories of Best Actor and Best Actress, Noé Hernández and Adriana Llabrés were the winners, for their performances in the films “Kokoloko” and “Todo el silencio” respectively.

“Thanks to Gerardo Naranjo for his drive and his fighting spirit in bringing the film forward,” said Hernandez.

“It’s an honour to have been nominated, I admire them. They inspire my work so much,” said the winner, addressing the actresses who were also nominated.

Accompanying the leading roles, the winners in the category of Best Supporting Actor – Male were Fernando Cuautle for his participation in “Heroic”, a film that received three awards, while in the category of Best Supporting Actor – Female there was a tie between Ludwika Paleta from the film “Todo el silencio” and Montserrat Marañón from “Tótem”.

“Girls, the five of us who were nominated, we deserve it so much. We are badasses,” said Marañón when collecting her award.

In the Best Documentary category, Tatiana Huezo secured the statuette for her work on “Hurricane Season,” a film that won three Ariel awards.

“Sharing this film gave me the privilege of experiencing and feeling the enormous light, strength and dignity that exists in the rural world of this beloved country of Mexico,” said Tatiana Huezo upon receiving her statuette.

The Ariel for the Animated Short Film category went to “Humo” by Rita Basulto, a category with a special flavor due to the city where the gala was held, since Guadalajara is home to El Taller de Chucho, one of the most important animation studios in Mexico and which is supported by the filmmaker from Guadalajara, Guillermo del Toro, and of which Basulto is a talent.

Exemplary careers are rewarded

Another of the most significant moments of the evening was the awarding of the Golden Ariel to Angélica María, which was also given to Briggite Broch.

“Thank you for this,” said Angélica María, showing the award that was presented to her by her daughter, actress Angélica Vale. “This statuette means so much to all of us who make movies. I have been a die-hard cinephile since I was five years old when I started. Thank you because this makes me feel very honored, very happy,” said the actress also known as “Mexico’s sweetheart.”

“Many thanks to Mexico, I thank the Academy. It is a recognition from my colleagues. Cinema taught me about Mexico and Mexico taught me how to make films,” said German-born production designer Brigitte Broch.

During the evening, Busi Cortés’ career was honored when he received a posthumous tribute, in which Arcelia Ramírez presented a Golden Ariel to his daughter.

“Her legacy and what her films represent for women filmmakers in our country and for women’s stories on our screens will forever resonate strongly. Her passion and commitment to teaching has also left a deep mark on multiple generations who have found inspiration and guidance in her,” said Arcelia Ramírez.

On Saturday night, there was a great celebration for Mexican cinema, said Armando Casas, president of AMACC, and it is expected that next year it will be repeated, emphasizing diversity, the presence of more women in the industry and the development of Mexican talent.

Full list of winners


Naíma Feels | “Totem”


“All the silence” | Diego del Rio


“The Snow Society” (Spain) | JA Bayona


“North” | Natalia Bermudez


“The Echo” | Tatiana Huezo


Elisa Miller, Daniela Gomez | “Hurricane Season”


Lila Aviles | “Totem”


Alejandra Velarde | “Hurricane season”


Ivonne Fuentes | “Heroic”


Miguel Schverdfinger, Paulina del Paso | “hurricane season”


Gabriela Fernandez | “Heroic”


Goyo Vega, Adam Zoller Duplán, Rocío Espinosa Valdés | “Disappear completely”


Gustavo Bellón, Thomas Boda, René Allegretti Zambrano, Jesus Corrales Clark, Jorge Palma, Javier Velázquez Dorantes | “Disappear completely”


Ernesto Pardo | “The Echo”


“Smoke” | Rita Basulto


“Apnea” | Natalia Bermudez


Miguel Hernandez, Mario Martinez Cobos, Liliana Villaseñor | “All the silence”


Leonardo Heiblum, Jacobo Lieberman | “The Echo”


Fernando Cuautle | “Heroic”

Female coercion

Ludwika Paleta | “All the silence”

Montserrat Marañón | “Totem”


Noah Hernandez | “Kokoloko”


Adriana Llabrés | “All the silence”


Lila Aviles | “Totem”


“Totem” | By: Limerencia Films, Laterna, Paloma Productions, Alpha Violet Production. Dir. Lila Avilés

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