Towards the 2nd floor of the 4th transformation – El Sol de México

The transformation of public life, which the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador has led since 2018, will be recorded in the history of this nation as one of the most important advances in development and democratic consolidation that have been experienced in the modern history of our country.

According to the most recent update that ORACULUS has compiled and systematized from the main surveys in our country, presidential approval, for April 2, reaches almost 70% on average. This indicates that there is a majority of Mexicans who can see and recognize that there is a political reality that is beyond the black campaigns that have long reached most of the conservative media.

The truth is that no matter how conservative, uninformed or oppositional someone may be, there are very few people who could spare recognition for things such as budget distribution – via social programs – to the poorest and most needy residents of this country. Furthermore, who – with fallacious criticism involved – could not value the important transport infrastructure works that mean monumental works such as the trans-seismic trains in Oaxaca and Maya in the southeastern region, which ultimately give new hope for progress economic and social for those regions that had traditionally been so unprotected and forgotten.

Needless to say, the monumental construction of the Dos Bocas refinery and the commissioning of six other refineries, which together with the brilliant acquisition of Deep Park, have meant going from 35% in 2018 to 72% in terms of hydrocarbon production capacity. of the current National Refining System in Mexico, and which will very soon allow us to achieve complete sovereignty in energy matters.

When it comes to education, today there are 100 more universities than there were in 2018. And although there are still people who refuse to recognize it, today the Mexican health system – with everything achieved and what is missing – is a thousand times better than it was. received at the beginning of this six-year term. And thus the dozens of achievements that this Obrador government has already been able to consolidate could be detailed one by one.

But what is most important now is also to talk about the pending challenges in the next six-year term. Not putting much emphasis on aspects such as the continuity of the fight against corruption or taking really seriously the need to build a solid social communication platform that replaces the enormous charisma of our current president, — intelligence and strategy that is off the charts — I think that things in the new government could weaken.

While it is true that today the polls leave no doubt that Dr. Claudia Sheinbaum will be our next president, it is also true that the election of many undesirable candidates in the Morena-Green Party and PT coalition has left a very bad precedent in almost all of them. the states of our nation. Many candidates with bad records and anti-4th transformation resumes are about to take over both municipal governments and local legislatures. And it is up to the federal level that the tentacles of corruption and cynicism of the prianate lilitellista disguised as icing on the cake, assuming that the banditry and the blame and corruption will easily be washed away or forgotten.

Deep down, we all hope that the disastrous record of these candidates unwelcome do not cost too much to the construction of the 2nd floor of this 4th transformation, but it would also be very naive to think that there will be no costs for these wrong decisions. We’ll see, the elections are getting closer. I hope that “The Dirty House” – as Muna Dora Hunchain says in this book of very important content – ​​can continue to be washed. Everything remains to be seen very soon.

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