UIF freezes bank accounts of the aunt of Ovidio Guzmán “el Ratón” – El Sol de México

The Financial Intelligence Unitordered the blocking of one of his aunts’ bank accounts. Ovidio Guzmán López “El Ratón”, For this reason, an amparo is already being litigated in the federal courts.

Is about Yuridiawho is the sister of Griseldathe mother of “El Chapo’s” son” extradited to be prosecuted in the Federal Court of Chicago, Illinois, United States.

According to information obtained in the Judiciaryhe September 20 past the woman came before him Fourth District Judge to file a request for protection because the FIU issued an agreement with which Blocks one of your bank accounts.

The file that the judge initiated indicates that the protection is against “the order to ensure, block, suspend or prevent that the complainant here – Yuridia – carries out with absolute freedom the banking movements that need to be carried out.”

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Furthermore, in the amparo process, he requested the provisional suspensionwhich was granted by the judicial authority “for the purpose of carrying out the lifting of the blockadeuntil the executory sentence is pronounced.”

However, the caution It was only given to him to be able to carry out tax paymentsnot to have the cash in its entirety.

The judge considered that if the UIF issued the blocking agreement due to a contracted obligation with a foreign government or the execution of a resolution adopted by an international organization, then it was carried out in accordance with the legal guidelinessince the Unit cannot freeze any account without have firm elements.

Until now, the case continues ventilating in it Culiacán district courtwithout the constitutional hearing having been held.

Women in the spotlight

The Ovid’s aunt She is not the only woman who is under surveillance from the FIU; since now least 10 yearshis mother, Mrs. GriseldaIt was also blocked up after he Treasury Department blacklisted her.

In May 2013, the Office for him Control of Foreign Assets signed Griseldaas well as Ovid and his older brothers, Jesús Alfredo and Iván Archivaldoand although this forced Mexico to abide by the resolutionsthe then PGR decided to start investigating the properties of the Guzman family.

In addition to their bank accounts, the Attorney’s Office secured at least two of Griselda’s houses, one in San Miguel Hills and another in The Fifths.

Ovid’s wife

In November 2022, The Sinaloa Sun revealed that the Financial Intelligence Unit He also had the bank accounts of Adriana Meza Torres, wife of “The mouse” and daughter of the late lieutenant of the Sinaloa Cartel, Manuel Torres Félix, “El Ondeado”.

According to the document held by El Sol de Sinaloa, the UIF issued agreement 52/2015 to block any account in his name, under the argument that Meza Torresmaintained or maintains a sentimental relationship with Ovidio Guzmán Lópezson of Joaquín Guzmán Loera, alias “El Chapo”.

“Bliss circumstanceadded to the irregularities that the complainer (Adriana) presents in the country’s financial system, constitutes warning signs regarding the probability what is the name of the criminal group which Joaquín Guzmán directs with the purpose of hiding the real owner of the resources that he calls illegal,” the file states.

In his defense, Adriana Meza He assured that he is dedicated to agriculture, but the Unit warned that “he is possibly carrying out simulated activities to give the appearance of legality to certain probable resources of illicit origin.”

“It caused discharge in the Federal taxpayer registrationbut has not declared employment or remunerated activity that justifies the flow of money referred to in the document presented to the authority by the February 19, 2016“, reads the file.

The FIU indicated that it did not present tax returns nor did he pay tax obligations of her income obtained from being a farmer.

“What constitutes an indication about the existence of illegal activities and that in reality tries to hide the identity of the real owner of the business of corn productioncarried out successively to introduce resources probable illicit origin to the financial systemto be able to give them a legal appearance, since in a short time they have consolidated a business in the agricultural sector, which is not very credible according to the statistics of our country,” the file consulted points out.

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Due to all these arguments, the defense failed to convince to the judges to return the appeal filed, in fact two months after his case was heard, Ovidio Guzman was arrested in receivership of Jesús María, the community where your origin comes from maternal familyto whom they have begun to extend the financial fence.

Note published in The Sinaloa Sun

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