UN denounces Israel’s attempts to paralyze its humanitarian operation in the Gaza Strip – El Sol de México

The UN He denounced this Thursday that an attempt is being made to paralyze your humanitarian operation in the Gaza Strip with the total interruption of the Fuel supply and what if Israel does not reverse this decision will be the direct cause of the people start die.

“If the fuel issue is not resolved there is a risk that we will have to suspend our entire operation in Loop“declared today the head of the United Nations Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA), Philippe Lazzariniat a press conference in Geneva.

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The lack of fuel makes it impossible to transportation of humanitarian aidhe water supply and from others services essential.

“Water has become an obsession for Gazanseveryone walks with a drum in the hand. The children beg for a little water and a piece of bread“, he said, after remembering that fuel is essential for the operation of the desalination plants that transform the sea ​​water in drinking water.

For the first time since the beginning warabout 23 thousand liters of fuel (equivalent to half a tanker truck and considered a ridiculous amount) entered this Wednesday Loopbut Israel has not authorized any more and made it a condition that its use be exclusively for the transport and not for the desalination plants or bakeries.

Lazzarini confirmed that the communications have been completely interrupted this Thursday in Loop because the companies that provide this service have also exhausted their last fuel reserves and its facilities cannot continue operating.

He anticipated that this could quickly lead to “a situation of anxiety and panic“among the population, which together with the lack of water and food“can end what’s left of order civilian in Gaza“.

“It won’t help anyone to have a situation of total chaos“If this happens I can’t keep the teams there and we will need a lot of time to reverse the situation… and we are almost there,” he warned.

The UNRWA has 103 confirmed deaths between his workers in Gaza since the start of the war, but Lazzarini He said there were most likely more and their remains were still under the rubble.

“They had nothing to do with all this, they were public servers who served their community,” he said.

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On the other hand, the UNRWA chief confirmed that a third of the deaths since the war between Israel and the Islamist group Hamas in Loop have occurred in the south of the enclave, the same sector towards which the israeli army ordered the northern population evacuate.

“In There is no safe place in Gaza, neither in the north, nor in the south nor in the central area, not even the UN premises are safe“, he pointed.

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