UNAM 2024 exam: deadline to print the credential slip – El Sol de México

The exam to enter the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) At the undergraduate level it is getting closer.

If you registered to compete for a place within the Maximum House Studios of the country, it is important that you plan in advance requirements what you need to be able to present the test.

One of them is the credential ticketwithout it you will have the right to take the knowledge exam to study one of the 22 bachelor’s degrees that UNAM It offers in person and in the open and distance modality.

When can I print the UNAM credential slip?

To print the credential slip of the UNAM you have to enter “Your place” with the email and password you registered.

You will immediately see the option credential ticket and you will have to print it, it is of utmost importance because in it you will be able to see the data of the time, day and location where you have to appear to carry out the exam.

The date to print the credential ticket will be from April 29 to May 3 as the deadline, according to the General Directorate of School Administration (DGAE).

When is the UNAM admission exam?

The UNAM admission exam will be from May 18 to June 2, if you want to know how your preparation is going to correctly answer the 120-question questionnaire, you can access Try UNAM, a self-assessment tool that is designed to help you detect your level of knowledge.

The virtual platform It allows you to know what topics you should reinforce for the presentation of the selection exam for UNAM degrees.

To access it you have to pre-register, before that you must accept the privacy notice conditionsand then fill out a questionnaire with basic information such as your name, an email, date of birth, nationality, gender, and high school of origin.

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The diagnostic test It has a cost of 200 pesos that you can pay once you finish the pre-registration and obtain an access code to the platform from which you will obtain the card payment.

After making the payment at a bank branch you will be able to access test yourself in a period of no more than 48 business hours.

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