Victims sue Mexico before the IACHR for fire at an immigration station in Ciudad Juárez – El Sol de México

Families of the 40 victims and survivors of the fire at the immigration stay in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, as well as 10 civil society organizations, denounced Mexico before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) for its immigration policy that, they accused, allows violations of the rights of migrants during their detention in immigration stations.

Through a statement published this day, the organizations reported the presentation of the complaint in which they also denounced the omission of the National Migration Institute (INM), the Attorney General’s Office (CEAV) and the Executive Commission for Attention to Victims (CEAV) to guarantee justice for these populations, in a context of immigration policies of containment, criminalization of migration and externalization of borders.

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According to the organizations, the immigration policy of containment and criminalization has perpetuated prolonged, unjustified detention in inhuman conditions in immigration stations, the detention of children and adolescents in these spaces and other deprivations of liberty that are not regulated, the lack of attention to mental health after detention, forced disappearances and massacres, mass expulsions and reviews based on racial profiling in all cases of serious human rights violations.

“You saw the place in flames and little by little the smoke covered us, you ran from one place to another, it was desperation, you screamed for them to open the door for us, we have children, don’t let us die in here and they turned a blind eye “And they didn’t let us out. How many families were left alone, without parents, children who were left alone and one wonders why they left us inside,” Brayan, a survivor of the fire at an immigration stay in Ciudad Juárez, told the organizations that managed the lawsuit. .

They also denounce the lack of comprehensive reparation for the damage and measures of non-repetition, coupled with the criminalization of the defenders who accompany them, and the non-compliance by the immigration authorities with the Recommendations of the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH). ).

Due to the above, the promoters of the lawsuit request the commissioners of the IACHR to open a space for dialogue between the Mexican State and the organizations to promote the creation of a special commission to investigate cases of serious violations of human rights against the migrant population.

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Carry out an “in loco” visit to Mexico to verify the situation of systematic violations of the human rights of migrants derived from the immigration policies implemented and the militarization of immigration control, recommend to the Mexican State the elimination of immigration detention, create alternatives to detention, and expand the avenues for immigration regularization for people who wish to stay in the country, and recommend that the Mexican State eliminate the immigration control powers of military bodies, such as the National Guard.

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