Vive Chihuahua Northern Music Tour closes tour at the Mexico City Arena – El Sol de México

The Live Chihuahua Tour comes to an end after having offered more than 60 concerts in United States. The Northern Machinery, The Northern Energy, The Ojinaga Fiera and The Fishermen of the Conchos Riverthey chose March 23 for a triumphant closing at the Mexico City Arena.

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“It means great pride, I never thought that our music i“We are going to get here and we feel blessed by the support of the inhabitants of this city,” acknowledged Mauricio Pikaro, voice of The Ojinaga Fairin conference.

“We don’t belittle any audience from other places, but in Mexico it’s a different story,” commented Adrián Samarripa, voice of Northern Energy.

“The first time we came, we thought they danced here purely cumbias and what was our surprise that not only our northern songsbut they took on the task of learning them before the bailongo,” added the singer.

Daniel Arias, vocalist of Los Pescadores del Río Conchos, Adrián Samarripa, voice and founder of La Energia Norteña, Mauricio Pikaro, vocalist of La Fiera de Ojinaga, Sergio Soto and Rory Nieto, voice and accordion of The Northern Machinery, respectively, announced the closing of the tour they have done together; In addition to being colleagues, the members of the groups have known each other since they were children and have joined forces to carry the Northern music to a larger audience both in Mexico and in the United States.

“Personally, The Ojinaga Fair“It has been very cool for us to collaborate, yes we have had a corrido tumbado, and it does not mean that we are going to play a corrido tumbado, we simply collaborate and in this way we are opening the doors to other places,” said Mauricio Pikaro.

“Mexico has been placed on the global map and occupies the first place in the world for downloads in the digital platforms of music for these songs. It’s their time and what better way to support our brothers than this? music”he added.

For his part, Adrián Samarripa of Northern Energy, declared that the group “has evolved, we do not stay with the tunes of our parents or grandparents, we have to grow with the news. We want to continue working, renewing ourselves without losing the essence of northern sax, with fresher lyrics, because we don’t want the work to stop or stay stagnant.”

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“In every time there is musical movements, new letters, new sounds, new fusions and you have to be present; that a Mexican artist is placed as number one or that he is nominated for a North American Grammy or a Latin Grammy“We must applaud it,” said Sergio Soto, of The Northern Machinerywho are in the promotion of album“The beast machine” with singles like ““What am I left for?” and ““Bonsai”.

While The River Fishermen Conchos, are in the diffusion of “Cantinero” and La Fiera de Ojinaga this Friday the 9th will place the song “Your doll” on virtual platforms.

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