Water theft multiplies six times in AMLO’s government – El Sol de México

Between January 2019 and November 2023, during the administration of the so-called Fourth Transformation, the National Water Commission (Conagua) record seven thousand 467 clandestine liquid intakes that correspond to the infrastructure national water

This represents almost six times more than what that organization reported between 2012 and 2018—in the management of Enrique Pena Nieto— with 1,280 points theft or stealing of drinking water in the 13 hydrological basins of the country.

You may be interested in this related news: They detect up to five clandestine water intakes per week in Parral, Chihuahua

According to the response to the request for information, via transparencyfolio 330009423003397, the With water indicated that So far this six-year term, 6,803 sources without concession title or clandestine intakes have been located in the national water infrastructure.and another 664 points of illegal water theft in its 32 delegations in the entities.

The institution, which presides Germán Arturo Martínez Santoyo, he said, through the General Subdirectorate of Water Administration, that the states that register the highest number of clandestine seizures are Guanajuato, State of Mexico and Morelos, while at the municipal level there are the municipalities of Othón P. Blanco, Quintana Roo; Cuauhtémoc, Chihuahua, and León, Guanajuato.

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The delegations of the With wateron the other hand, reported that the entities that presented the highest number of clandestine seizures so far this six-year term are Michoacánwith 141; New Lionwith 93; Jaliscowith 74; Tlaxcalawith 58, and Oaxacawith 46.

Of the 664 water huachicoleo points that were detected in the state delegations of the National Water Commissiona, only 52 complaints have been filed for this crime before the Attorney General’s Office (FGR), but not in the state prosecutor’s offices, since the violations of the law against national assetshow is he theft of water from the national infrastructure, They are federal jurisdiction.

He The largest number of complaints before the FGR were filed by the delegations of Chiapaswith 16; Michoacanwith 12, and the Organism de Water Basin of the Valley of Mexicowhich includes the Mexico City, as well as a part of the states of Mexico, Hidalgo and Tlaxcala, with nine complaints.

Just on November 27, The Sun of Mexico revealed that the drought that is plaguing the country, the most serious in five yearsderived from the lack of water, affect eight out of 10 municipalities, of the total of 2,469 municipalities that Mexico has, according to the Drought Monitor of the National Meteorological Service.

The report mentions that as of November 15, in at least 538 municipalities in the country (21 percent of the total) the intensity of the drought was extreme to exceptionaland that in 1,020 municipalities (41 percent of the total) The intensity was between moderate and severe.

This, added to the 489 municipalities with an “abnormally dry” level (19 percent), means that eight out of every 10 municipalities in the country are affected by lack of water.

He Río Bravo Basin Agencywhich includes the states of New Lion, Tamaulipas and Coahuilahighlights, for example, that in In the last five years, 14 clandestine seizures were recorded in the municipalities of Santiago; six in Victoria Salinas; five in Cadereyta of Jimenez; four in St. Catarina, Guadeloupe and Linaresin each one, all in New Lion.

In the year 2022, said entity suffered the worst water crisis in the last three decadesafter the dam levels Cerro Prieto and La Bocawhich mainly supply water to the city of Monterey and the municipalities in its metropolitan area decreased considerably until they were below five percent of their capacity.

For October of this year, The government of Nuevo León issued a second emergency declaration due to drought (the first was in 2022), after the dam Cerro Prieto reached a capacity of 7.7 percent storage and La Boca, 11.9 percent.

The delegation of With water in Morelosthat corresponds to the Balsas Basin Agencyreported that From December 1, 2018 to November 1, 2023, a total of 50 clandestine water intakes have been locatedmainly in the municipalities of Cuautla, Xochitepec, Cuernavaca, Yautepec and Temixco.

In the case of Oaxacawhich corresponds to Organization of the South Pacific Basin, record 46 clandestine shots, while the municipalities that presented the highest rates of illicit theft of water from the national infrastructure are San Pablo Villa de Mitla, with five cases; Oaxaca de Juárez and Santa Cruz Xoxocotlán, with four cases each, as well as San Lorenzo Cacaotepec, with three cases.

Tlaxcalawhich is part of the Balsas basins and of Mexico’s valleyindicated in the response to the information request that, In the last five years, it has detected a total of 58 clandestine water intakes. The municipality with the highest number of thefts of this liquid in said entity is Hueyotlipan.

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San Luis Potosiwhich takes advantage water resources of the North Central and North Gulf basinsrecord 28 clandestine shots in that same period, and pointed out that the city council with the most cases of water theft is Fernandez City.

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