What gifts to give the Japanese – El Sol de México

Gifts in any culture are a sample of expressionwhether it is gratitude or that reflects certain feelings and that occur at specific times.

For example, when it is a wedding, objects such as tableware or appliances are usually given, which will be very useful for the new couple; In the case of birthdays, something is given that the person might like, your favorite book, a record or a concert ticket.

However, it all depends on the cultural context, in the case of the Japanese, they have very specific rules for giving gifts, which is why it caught the attention of many that during the Candlemas Day the ambassador of Japan, Noriteru Fukushima, He will doubt whether people would accept the tamales he was giving away since things are different in that country.

What can you give a Japanese person?

For the Japanese to give gifts It is a way to create cordial relationships with your loved ones, although it is more of a mandatory nature and returning the detail is something that cannot be forgotten.

To exemplify, give away Green Tea It is an act that is only performed in funeralbut if it occurs outside of this context it lends itself to harm since it is culturally associated with mourning.

Something that cannot be done is to give a comb, kushi in Japanese. Ku means suffering and shi death, so it is thought to be a bad omen and source of pain.

The number four It is also known as a number of bad omenany gift that comes in four parts or is four pieces is better not to give away.

If by chance you are in Japan and you give a giftdo not be offended if the person does not get excited as we would in Mexico, since they take themselves very seriously, that, if a person does not like the present foreignthe person is offended by your choice.

Also, it is possible that they will not accept it the first time, you can insist and it is up to the third time where they will receive it, yes, in a very polite way, with reverence, so you will have to do the same.

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The japanese culture When it comes to gifts, it is strict, so before giving a present, find out what is being given at a certain time so as not to embarrass anyone.

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