What is the Higgs boson, the “God particle” that gave the Nobel Prize to Peter Higgs – El Sol de México

Peter Higgsthe prominent British scientist who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2013 for his theory about the Higgs bosonknown as the “god particle“and considered the key to the structure of matter, died this Monday at 94 years.

Higgs He was one of those characters who, within the community of physicists and in the academy, was recognized for his excellence as a teacher and mentor, for four decades he shared his knowledge in the Edinburgh University.

Work on the identification of the Higgs boson began in 1964, when Peter and the scientist François Englertuntil in 2012, they managed to discover the “God particle”” at the European Laboratory for Nuclear Research, European Center for Particle Physics (CERN)located in Swiss.

What is the Higgs boson, the “God particle”?

He boson of Higgs it’s a element clue of the structure fundamental of the subject that gives its mass to all the others, according to the theory known as the “Standard Model“.

The Standard Model is a theory of Albert Einstein which describes all the particles that exist in our reality, which determines the mass that exists and can be seen, it also proposes that there is an amount of matter that is invisible and is called dark matter, according to the UNAM.

Thus, the Higgs’ Boson became an extension of the Einstein theory and contributed to understanding the constitution of the universe, mass and matter.

The boson explains the property of attracting and holding together the rest of the particles elementals that constitute the visible matter of the universe.

The fundamental particles are of two types: fermionswhich are those that constitute the matter, and the bosonswhich make the rest of the particles interact with each other.

To put it in a very basic way, the Higgs’ Boson It is that particle that gives shape to all matter, it is a kind of vibration that gives support to all matter. empty.

The God particle was found in the European Center for Particle Physics (CERN) with the help of Large Hadron Collider (LHC)two research groups of about 3 thousand scientists each, managed with billions of collisions between particles to extract and identify the signals left by the bosona very unstable particle that disintegrates almost instantly.

The discovery of Higgs’ Boson It is considered by experts to be the greatest discovery in the history of understanding naturebecause it allows us to peer into the observation of what happened immediately after the big Bang.

With information from AFP and EFE

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