Who left the most pending in the SCJN? Arturo Zaldivar and Loretta Ortiz cross accusations – El Sol de México

The former minister of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) Arturo Zaldivar and the minister Loretta Ortiz exchanged accusations this weekend about the pending matters that both were dragging in the highest court of the country.

It was last October 25 when Minister Ortiz indicated that the former minister left “many matters pending to be resolved” in the First Chamber before presenting his resignation.

The minister pointed out that with her move to the First Chamber, replacing Zaldivar, she was left with many pending issues, after she “left her desk clean.”

The above during his participation in the SCJN seminar on “The right to information, the importance of transparency in the exercise of government”, within the framework of the activities of the Guadalajara International Book Fair.

In this regard, this Monday Arturo Zaldivar used his social networks to contradict Ortiz Ahlf, ensuring that the Court’s own records refute the minister.

Zaldivar, who submitted his resignation to the SCJN to join Claudia Sheinbaum’s team heading into the 2024 elections, assured that he was the minister of the First Chamber to whom the most matters were assigned.

“Of all the matters of the 1st Chamber, more than a quarter of the matters of the Chamber were assigned to my presentation, that is, 411 matters,” the former minister wrote on his X account (formerly Twitter).

Likewise, he pointed out that the rest of the ministers in the First Chamber had a number of outstanding issues equal to his before leaving office.

“I left 29 issues with a draft resolution; 7 of which were scheduled to be held on November 22 and whose resolution was interrupted by Minister Ortiz’s change of assignment,” he added.

In addition, Zaldivar attacked Ortiz Ahlf, who, according to the former minister, left 14 more pending matters than him before being assigned to fill the place he left vacant.

“I categorically affirm that I concluded my position as Minister with the satisfaction of having fulfilled my duty and with the conviction of continuing the fight for a fairer and more egalitarian country,” Zaldivar stated.

But the lawsuit did not end there, since a couple of hours later Minister Loretta Ortiz, through the same medium, maintained that she only had 32 pending project matters before leaving the Second Chamber of the Court, according to data from the Office of Judicial Statistics of the SCJN.

“Minister Zaldívar had 169 issues pending resolution. Of those 169 pending issues, only 16 were listed and 5 had a project. Therefore, the Minister had 148 issues pending project. Thus, on the date of my change of “I did not leave 14 more files than the Minister, but 116 less,” the minister explained.

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