Xóchitl Gálvez closes his pre-campaign from Guanajuato – El Sol de México

The candidate of the Fuerza y ​​Corazón por México coalition, Xóchitl Gálvez Ruiz, held her pre-campaign closing from Acámbaro, Guanajuato, where she focused her speech on the issue of security, stating that she is going to confront crime.

From the Miguel Hidalgo civic plaza, Gálvez Ruiz pointed out that the country is about to make the most important decision in recent decades regarding whether or not to continue with the federal security model of the current administration, which did not work.

Likewise, he assured that Guanajuato is an example of how the country “is suffering” from the abandonment of the federal government, because just as this state is suffering from the attacks of crime, others also experience it firsthand every day.

“López Obrador’s security model was exhausted and never worked. (…) This government, instead of searching for the missing, decided to delete them from the list; Tabasco is a tragedy, Tabasco was not unsafe and now there are shootings, which The president dared to say that they were bullshit, which bullshit? They were gunshots.

“And the polleros of the State of Mexico, or the farmers who have to pay the crime rate of one peso for each square meter of sowing, had to pay 10 thousand pesos per hectare, and where was the government? The same thing It happens with the fishermen of Tamaulipas, with the taxi drivers of Baja California and not only, also in Qiuntana Roo, the hoteliers who are extorted,” said the candidate.

He also spoke about the value of life and recalled the case of the young people murdered in Salvatierra.

“The value of life is threatened by the disdain of the government that is not committed to security. It is enough that they murder the young people, it is enough that Guanajuato is world news, because of what happened to the young people in Salvatierra, have the certainty that we are going to take care of the young people, because I am a mother of two children and we have to take care of the young people, I am going to take care of them as if they were my children and we have to take care of the children,” she said.

He even urged President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to go to Guanajuato and show his face to the inhabitants, since he assured that the state has been abandoned in security since December 1, 2018.

“I demand from here, President López Obrador, that he come to Guanajuato, that he come to this region, that he come and show his face to the people of Guanajuato, so that he can confront the criminals with all the power of the State, that he stop put pressure on the citizens, he still has time, he still has nine months left, to get to work, instead of getting involved in the election,” Gálvez expressed.

Social programs remain

Xóchitl Gálvez also pointed out that the supporters of the Fourth Transformation are “scaring” people by telling them that if she wins the election, the current social programs will disappear, which she described as false.

“They are going to tell them that I want to take away their social programs: false, social programs are not removed, social programs are a right, social programs remain.”

In addition, he said that although he cannot yet issue proposals, he announced that at the time, he will propose how he will propose the return of daycare centers, daycare centers, full-time schools and Popular Insurance.

“We are going to give hope back to the young people of Mexico, so that we have a great country, a country that grows; My commitment is that Mexico is among the largest economies in the world; My commitment is that Mexico has the best airport in Latin America; My commitment is that Mexico can bring more investments, betting on clean energy, guaranteeing water.

“Are you ready to face the most important fight of your life? Because we have to fight, we are going to face a state election and we have to be together,” he concluded.

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The pre-candidate for governor of Guanajuato, Libia Dennise García Muñoz Ledo, attended the closing of the pre-campaign; the national leader of the PAN, Marko Cortés Mendoza; the president of the Steering Committee of the PAN in Guanajuato, Eduardo López Mares; the pre-candidate for the Senate, Miguel Márquez Márquez, as well as Juan Hernández, current national Migrant coordinator of the National Executive Committee of the PAN, among other personalities from local politics.

Originally published in The Sun of the Bajío

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