Xóchitl Gálvez says that there are no vases in a team made up of former Felipe Calderón officials – El Sol de México

“There are no vases here, here we do value those who undertake,” said the presidential candidate of the Broad Front for Mexico, Xochitl Galvezwhen presenting this Wednesday to the members of your team to implement your Government planin case he wins the 2024 elections.

Inside the team figures stand out who were part of the government of the former president Felipe Calderon, as Fernando Gomez-Montformer Secretary of the Interior; Josefina Vazquez Motaformer head of the Ministry of Public Education, and José Luis Luegeformer general director of the National Water Commission (Conagua).

Read also: Children of Xóchitl Gálvez join his pre-campaign team: who are they and what do they do?

It is “a team that combines experience and youth, a team with professional capacity, nothing improvised, there are no vases here, here we do value those who undertake,” he highlighted.

Gálvez assured that he demanded 100% honesty and capacity from his team, and also promised that will change the health strategy national that the current president Andrés Manuel López Obrador implemented and which he described as failed.

Furthermore, he said that will maintain the pension program of the current federal Government in the event of winning the Presidency of the Republic.

He also took the opportunity to criticize his rival, Claudia Sheinbaum, and said that the continuity of the current government “means giving up.”

He reiterated that There are only two options on the ballot: that of the ruling party, in which “they do not want a bad middle class that does not advance”, and the one that she represents: “it is us, moving towards the future, achieving a change of mentality.”

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