You want to return without going through Congress, NL deputy reproaches Samuel García – El Sol de México

MONTERREY. “If you are going to stay, let us work, you want to return without going through Congress,” said the president of the Board of Directors of the Congress of Nuevo León, Mauro Guerra, to the Governor Samuel García, who assures that he does not require his endorsement to return to his duties after he renounced his presidential aspirations and the leave he requested to go to his campaign.

“There is no uncertainty because a license is a person’s human right, it is not an obligation. When I decided not to participate and not use the license in automatic as governor constitutional I resume my duties, I snub the license and that is enough,” said the Emecista president yesterday, during a public event in Monterey.

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The war of declarations took place through the social networks of New Leonese politicians, who expressed their disagreement with each other publicly.

Samuelyou didn’t want us to name the governor substituteyou did not want us to approve the 2023 budget in a timely manner, you did not want to deliver the resources requested by the municipalities, and now, you do not want us to analyze the end of your license, you simply do not want to let us work on what corresponds to the “Congress, these are not whims, the law is the law,” he declared. Mauro Guerra.

Guerra points out that Samuel García has the municipalities without their budgetto Nuevo León without tax and is about to leave the state without an auditor.

“You can no longer throw the ball to anyone else, it is urgent that you put an end to these crises that you yourself caused.”

The legislator challenged the president’s results in court when he challenged the appointment of the interim governor. “First you went to Trife (Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation) and you lied so that they would give you a license without going through the Congress, which it was the result? The Trife fell.

Then you lied to try to appoint an interim without the Congress, which it was the result? The Court knocked it down for you. You saw that you couldn’t get your way, and you prefer to go back to being governor…You break the law again and try to return to your duties without going through the Congress of the state,” he claimed. Guerra.” Mauro Guerra demanded respect the division of powersbut he was willing to talk.

“It would be very easy for us to say that you don’t want the interim because you are hiding something terrible in your governmentbut we prefer dialogue better for the sake of New Lion“”

However, Samuel García insists that there is no contempt to resume his position and that he does not need Congress to revoke the license you requested. He added that the media and pseudo lawyers they want to invent that there are two governors.

“Tell everything New LionThere is no doubt, they are going to want to invent the media, some pseudo-lawyers that there are two governors, that is a lie, the people voted for Samuel Garciaconstitutional governor, I have a license and I decided not to use it.”

For his part, the national leader of the PRI, Alejandro Moreno Cárdenas described Samuel García as “inexperienced, a hologram, without a project and ambitious.” “That it serves the Morena party and that it hides something, which is why it returned to the government.”

In a message on his social networks, Alejandro Moreno said: the reasons for the most recent events that occurred in the state of Nuevo Leónwhere Samuel García, tried the entity to seek the Presidency of the Republic “What happened in the state of Nuevo León is not wasted. “Let’s make it clear, Samuel, no one derailed you, you got off just because you were inexperienced, ambitious and lying, the only thing the Judiciary did was guarantee that you did not violate the Constitution.”

He accused Samuel García of trying to evade the law by filing lawsuits in different states of the Republic. As in Chiapas, Tamaulipas, Mexico City and in the Electoral Court and before the Supreme Courtseveral of them with false documents.

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He recalled that he lost all the trials, despite his three doctorates, because “He is a terrible lawyer and worse as a governor”and when he saw he lost the trials, he tried to take the government by storm using officials and militants from the MC party as beaters and that didn’t go well either, said Alejandro Moreno. “You are a little cheater achieving the world record for the shortest presidential pre-campaign in history.”

As a result of his presidential campaign license coming into effect, It lasted 40 minutes and he couldn’t wait for Monday and ran back when he saw that his accounts would be reviewed and laws that he has hidden would be approved so that there is no transparency in the government of Nuevo León,” said Moreno Cárdenas. He also addressed Dante Delgado, leader of MC, whom he questioned about who will follow Morena’s orders in the candidacy for the Presidency of the Republic.”

With information from Javier Divany.

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