Zedillo’s historical debts. – The Sun of Mexico

Our Argentine brothers find themselves in a historical condition that, if carried out, will lead them to the most atrocious of the economic conditions they have experienced. Javier Milei, “the crazy one,” lives up to his nickname because during his campaign he announced massive privatization. of government companies, converting private debts into public ones; eliminate all social rights against the millions of most disadvantaged people in that country.

34 years ago the Banking Fund for Savings Protection (FOBAPROA) was created, which over time generated one of the largest public debts in world history, which to date Mexicans continue to pay and will continue to pay for generations. As of today, the debt contracted by Zedillo, and which is paid by Mexicans, amounts to 1 trillion 40,700 million pesos, with just over 40 billion pesos being paid annually.

His tragic rise to power, due to the murder of Luis Donaldo Colosio, always had him as an illegitimate President in the national imagination, since he was never seen as an outstanding leader or politician. With a gray personality, not at all charismatic, and dedicated to interests less identified with post-revolutionary ideals, he led a generation of technocrats who were prototypes of neoliberalism, where the vision of government coincided with the change of leadership to the National Action Party, handing it over to the worst President of the history of Mexico, Vicente Fox Quesada.

The World Bank has indicated that Mexico requires a growth of 4% annually so that in 70 years this debt that has been mortgaged to Mexico by Ernesto Zedillo could be paid. The country’s average growth has not been higher than 2.3% annually, so it would take a century and a half to pay the entire debt.

The Mexican Revolution, to a large extent, fulfilled its purpose thanks to the country’s incipient railway system. Lázaro Cárdenas nationalized foreign railways in 1936 and Ernesto Zedillo disappeared the company Ferrocarriles Nacionales de México in 1995. He decided to maintain the privatization trend of national companies such as Telefonos de México, mining companies, insurance companies, factories, supposedly so that payments could be made with those resources. public debt.

The bank rescue attracted foreign banks, who had all the facilities to expand in the national territory, a condition that even came within the texts of the Free Trade Agreement signed with the United States and Canada, foreign investment in the banks put the 80% of the banking system in non-national capital.

The privatization processes began 40 years ago with Miguel De la Madrid, and Ernesto Zedillo continued with this trend, being one of the main causes of the excessive growth of poverty, inequalities, insecurity and lack of opportunities in access to basic rights. our country.

The last presidents of Mexico reside abroad, it is shameful to say the least, the sum of grievances, criminal acts, but mainly of a stateless nature, have made them employees of parastatals that benefited against the Mexicans who once governed, for They are popularly reviled in Mexico, because the only thing they represent is treason to the Homeland.

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